bug with texture tilling or Iray?

hello all.
i put a texture on the top of a simple box.the box was made on 3dsmax also the UVmap.
in daz,i tilling the texture with the 4 button made for that,and at the screen it correctly sized.
but when i rederer it in iray,the vertical tilling is shift.
i had others same box in one other size and place and they all had the same bug.
i miss something ?

bug texture.jpg
1280 x 720 - 231K
I too have noticed this happening in Iray. I just have to eyeball it to get it right even tho it's off center in the preview then.
Definately a bug that I reported over a year ago. Please fill out a bug report so maybe we can gang up and get it fixed. It only seems to happen when the vertical tiling is set to anything other than a complete number. The horizontal tiling is not affected.
yes right only vertical tilling is affect.
in fact i had this bug with every computer screen i made.....what a fun of trying to till false to have right in render (i fact i never succeed to do that)
i report.
thanks fo answers guys.
Tiling/Offset set in the Image Editor for an Iray material will not display correctly in the viewport but it will be sent to the renderer.
i don't understand what you say cris.
in image editor i don't have any tiling/offset stuff,just a scale,flip and rotate.
Are you using Iray or 3Delight? The contents of the Image Editor dialogue box (launched from the texture menu of a mappable property) depend on that.
i use iray.
the vertical tiling is good in 3delight rederer but i prefear visually the final render of the iray engine.
and after verification i don't see any différence in the image editor between iray and 3delight.
If you open the Image Editor dialogue it should ahve tiling options adn the Gamma setting, does it?
and in the image editor layer no tilling only scale option which deforme the picture and of course becoming crap in the final render.
Do you have an Iray shader applied to the item in question?
The screenshot shows the Default shader which is for 3DL.
Not only is the Image Editor options engine specific, but shading language specific too...in other words the options available for Iray won't ever show up for a 3DL shader.
The first image is the one we mean, and no you don't have an Iray shader applied - the Surfaces pane in the background shows Daz Default Shader, which is 3Delight.
oh ok guys.
i'm on iray engine in my render but where i put a texture i must put a iray shader then the texture over.
i do it,i have now a tilling stuff in the image editor and .........they move nothing and of course i had always the misaligment on the vertical with the tilling in the normal surface tab.
too much daz for me today
As noted above, the changes won't show until you render (or, I think, use the nVidia Iray preview mode).
Reproduceable error I have been experiencing for over a yer.
1. Grab a UV checker.
2. Create a plane primitive.
3. Use either 3delight or or Iray shader, it doesn't matter.
4. Put UV checker in base color, or diffuse color.
5. Set vertical tile to .5. Not image editor tiling.
6. Render in 3delight, and Iray.
7. Compare renders to what is in viewport.
I reported this and had confirmed as a bug.
The entir exercise is a (needless) brain scrambler indeed. Tiling texture correction between renderers should not be this hard to explain.
I was confused by this a month ago too after a year of absense fro DS, eventually worked out the multiple convoluted viewport feedback discrepancies issue is not a bug but either an oversight or iRay integration work in progress (assuming it is still being improved)
ok :)
i think i will cheat in changing the contend of the texture to not have tilling it,like a matrix green letter or something like that.
i have the same problem, always. weird that this bug can exist for so long
So it seems cordinate problem of shader and daz view port, when We use vertical tiling.
tiling texture should be stretch vertical, when I set Vertical tiles under 1.00 to 0.00
in iray render, the pivot of stretch is (0,0) in uv cordinate.
but in 3d view (daz studio) pivot of stretch vertical is (1,0) in uv cordinate. (1 is texture pixel size unit of Vertical)
I think it is bug. because, off set and Horizontial tiling use same pivot point. then work same way.
only vertical tiling pivot is different in daz studio view port.
I've just come across this same error. I am working on a scene usng the FSL Versatile Iray Backdrop and I was trying to use the tiling and offset controls to adjust the image on the wall. If I have the preview mode set to texture shaded then with the tiling at 1.0 I can move the image using the offset controls and the render matches the preview. If I set the vertical tiling to 1.5 it seems to work in the preview but the offset in the render is not the same as in the preview. If I set the auxiliary viewport mode to Iray this does match the render, but once I add a Genesis figure to the scene using Iray preview is too slow to be really useable on my computer.
I reported this back in November 2015, similar timeframe to DestinysGarden.
Back then we did identify that:
Not sure if that still applies, but maybe it helps someone. I often run into this, as I sometimes render in 3delight and sometimes iray, depending if I want a toon or 3d look.