How did he do this with the supersuit only?

I was wondering how this was done by only using the supersuit? I put this question at the end of another thread, but I have no idea where that thread now is, and how to find it?
Basically, in this Wonder Woman shot, the creator of it said that this was made using the supersuit and some primitives. I don't see a way to make a basic bathing suit or panties/briefs style of bottoms like it shows?
Any ideas?

328 x 480 - 32K
Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
He used the Genesis briefs for that.
That solution only works for characters wearing belts though. No leotard styles will be doable without a seam line across the waist I would imagine.
Aren't quite a lot of the "staple" types of superhero suits based off of a swimwear/leotard shape? Are there any add-ons that give this shape?
I remember a mention in the suit's teaser thread in the old PC section that the popular comic book hero presets (ie superwoman, batman, etc) would be released free after the suit was. Since we can't get into the old forum's PC section I can't look to see who it was that posted that.
Rand might simply have used a custom transmap. After all the suit is optimized for shaders but nothing stops you from using "regular" textures on it...
I remapped supersuit material areas for my own needs. You can get quite a lot of tomfoolery done that way.
Here's the full sized image (warning, 13 MB, 4000x4000).
Very cool. She kinda reminds me of a Ninja Jean Grey!
Funny you should say that... :D
Well the truth is more complicated... but she's from our online Marvel tabletop game (my character), and at one point she kind of ended up as a counterpart to Jean Grey's Phoenix.
The GM sure is good at pulling rabbits out of his hat.
Anyway -- I'm pretty sure that the Wonder Woman outfit is doable with Supersuit, if you use custom material zones. Check out the thigh seams of my custom image -- the detailed one shows them better.
I recently did a suit that was based on the basic one-piece bathing suit shape, but I used the G-Suit for it. I love the new Supersuit, but there are some things that I'm finding easier to do with other products.
Am I the only one who finds it somewhat hilarious that the supposedly most versatile piece of Genesis clothing just can't do one of the most basic shapes of 3D clothing in general in superhero clothing in particular ? :D
And while I guess transmaps could solve that issue, I personally find it pretty disappointing as well. Have to rethink getting the bundle.
Is this preset included (if yes where??)
It's included in the Fantasy Pack.
Yeah, Randall said that he'd distribute them some time after the release.
I'm not sure that "hilarious" is the word I'd use. I just purchased the whole Supersuit Pro Suite. To find out the whole package is incapable of creating one of the simplest and most used superhero costume components is a bit disconcerting. It looks like whoever designed it had a good flair for programming but virtually no knowledge of superhero costumes. I hope this rather glaring omission is dealt with in an upcoming fix, otherwise the costume system (while very cool in many ways) is quite flawed in what it purports to do.
I'm honestly surprised they didn't include a preset and separate the lower section better to allow for the 'undies' look. I'd have figured that someone creating promos (especially promos like the above) would've realized this and mentioned it. /shrug
Maybe they could do something Like this as an add on.
They could do a Geneses Super suit treatment with it; Various Brief Cuts, Strap patterns/Back Openings, as well as sides, and the trim for various "Piping" effects. The Thickening options of the Super Suit would be key of course.
Their is a lot of potential here if anyone with the skills is interested...