Obj exports are -always- fragmented.

Anyone have any idea on why all of my OBJ exports are fragmented?
What I mean is lets say I export a model and then load it into anything else, Modo, Mari, Blender, Maya. -anything- It will appear to be fine, however if I click on a torso expecting to get the torso. I will get a cluster of geometry representing a small part of the torso. Other sections of geometry will cover a larger area. I will have to manually connect them into one solid piece in spite of having used the settings on the export to enforce that in the first place. For example rather than using node names I export by region names.
It's fairly easy to do clean-up on but strange that it happens in the first place.
I don't see region names as an option for OBJ export. Are you sure it's region? What you're using will show me the parts you're getting. Can you show a screenshot so I can see what program you're importing into?
For example, in Blender, in the Import OBJ options, you must select Vertex Order (I also checkmark Polygroups). Default is usually Split which splits the model by the different parts (nodes, surfaces, etc, depending on what you exported as).
It may be your import setting in your software too, I know in Carrara for instance this can happen if I import as separate meshes the default being one obj there, there may be advanced import options you need to check.
There is a modo preset in the DS OBJ export dialogue - do you see this issue with that selected? It usually works for me.
In Blender, when importing an obj, I keep vertex order and check polygroup.
If you're not doing it for morphs, manually recombining is no problem, but the settings above are required for when sending back morphs.