Limited Time Freebies Discussion Thread

So, Kerya has gone through a lot of trouble to give us a Limited Time Freebie announcement thread (Thanks Kerya!!), where we can be notified when items that are normally sold are offered for free for a short time. This thread is extremely popular and useful, as it helps keep us from missing out on these free items.
The only thing she's asking is that we keep the commentary and discussion to a minimum, so that when we recieve notices about new posts, we get the freebie info. But we like to talk, don't we? So, in an effort to help Kerya (and all of us really) out, I decided to create this thread.
So - the rules:
1). Feel free to discuss any of the freebies announced in Kerya's thread, new or old, but please try to keep the discussion on topic.
2). This is not an announcement thread; if you have a freebie link, please post it to Kerya's thread:
Let's have some fun and lively conversations about all the cool stuff we've snagged for free, while letting our resident freebie hunters find us more stuff to grab!
It's my fault. (*hangs head in shame*)
LOL, no one's fault really, just a lot of excitable people getting a lot of cool stuff free.
Ah, that's true! :D Freebies are great! I'm glad you made this thread - I've bookmarked it. :)
I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I didn't have a single item in yesterday's freebie bundle, which is unusual for me. My computer is temporarily out of commission because we're moving, so I've been shopping and keeping up with the forum from my phone. With all the cool stuff (free and paid) I snatched up the past few days, I'm anxious to get it up and running again so I can play around with everything!
hahah I know that feeling! So much fun stuff, so little time to render! lol
The freebie sci-fi bundle is good - I'm glad I only had a couple of things in it. Most of it I didn't have.
Announce there... Talk about it here... Got it.
Well, went ahead and bit the bullet - got the sci-fi bundle, even though I already have half of it. Only thing I was interested in was the classic rayguns, but the corridor and turret aren't too shabby, so I'm good.
Bit the bullet? Duuuuude, it's FREE. lol o.O
I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused by that... :)
In this case, it refers to making the decision, rather than the cost. I don't like making redundant purchases, which three of these items were. But, i'd been wanting the rayguns for a while, and here they are free, so....
I've ended up using freebies I never thought I would (glad I picked them up when they were free) and items I purchased I was sure I was going to use, I ended up swapping out for something else and not using.
I also recomend to participate in the RRRR Contest. It brings stuff to your attention you forgot you had (free or not)
I had almost everything in the sci-fi bundle, except for the turret and the classic rayguns. I can never have too many old-school Flash Gordon-style rayguns. :) The sci-fi bundle IMHO was a very nice one and I envy anyone for whom these goodies were 100% new.
I had everything but the turret gun. was free...
Based on the fact that at some point the sun will burn out, but before doing so, some 7 billion years from now will turn into a red giant and incinerate the earth... Thus making many freebies only available for a limited time... Does that allow for a broader range of freebies to be discussed?
Or just stick to ones available within reasonable human lifespans or less?
How do you know we won't incinerate ourselves before that?
Apparently I already had everything in that freebie bundle. I did get it but I did not see how it benefitted me.
You won't purchase it accidentally later when it's not free. :)
true that. I think I once got a starter bundle (for free hopefully) when I already had the pro bundle.
That's why I use a program that lets me edit what shows up on the store pages and highlights bundle components that I already own. It is a Firefox plugin called Daz Deals 1.1.10. It also shows discount percentages in your cart and other usedul stuff. Forum page:
I just hide all starter bundles where I already own the Pro bundle, and they never show up in the store pages for me. I also use it to hide products that I will never buy.
I looked at the original thread and saw that it was 41 pages long and thought, "Why am I buying anything?"
The main idea is to move discussions out of Kerya's thread, as the goal there is to notify people of limited time freebies. But we can also discuss freebies in general, whether limited time or not ( I can't wait to see what humanity evolves to after 7 billion years!).
That plug in is incredibly useful and a serious time saver
I can not wait to see what is up next for our bi-weekly freebies.
I tell ya there always good surprises in there!!
Comment deleted.
This bi-weeklys freebies were great yet again!!!
So love the V4 outfit!!
then I pop back in and there is more freebies
What bi-weekly freebies?
LOL Those don't change bi-weekly - at least not regularly. I've often seen it go quite a while w/o changing. Or they'll add like one or two items and everything else stays for weeks.
Diva, I always feel like I'm missing Freebies and other PC+ content. I'm subscribed to all the relevant forum posts and ATI's updates and the DAZ Newsletter e-mail... but still... I see people going, "I love the Freebie this week," and I'm going, "What freebie?!? How come I didn't get any alerts on this?"