Hopefully Stupid Question: Shader Mixer and Displacements

SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
edited October 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion


I'm here because I'm trying to build a version of the Iray base shader with three mixable displacement channels.  I'd like to release it as a help to artists that want to get on at Daz but aren't yet, so they can't use HD morphs (but they would like to be able to have multiple displacements instead to get more detail into their product).  So far I've succeeded in getting a second displacement strength, min and max to show up (even though it puts the min and max at the bottom of the list in the applied version despite not being there in the User Parameters block).  The problem is that it doesn't do anything. 

Further investigation appears to show that the displacements have to be connected to the the base material block, not just the user parameters, but the base material block only allows one block at a time to be connected to displacement strength.  So then I thought, maybe an enum, connect the two displacements to that, and that to the final displacement channel?   But the E doesn't connect to anything, apparently?

I dearly hope this is a stupid obvious answer.  Help?

Post edited by SickleYield on


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Try a math function;...mix, add or multiply.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    I tried Add, but it doesn't appear to accept multiple inputs.

  • You do have a displacement root brick I assume? Mixing displacement can be tricky, specially if you allow a strength slider (using the strength of the map won't work - that pulls the value towards black, the minimum value, and you usually want displacement strength to pull te values into the neutral value, whatever that is).

  • DrPingyDrPingy Posts: 78

    I've got a good result with add and scale (multiply) the displacement maps directly and connect the result map to the displavement strength brick.

    You must use "Direct Compute" (result frequency) by mathematical bricks.

    Additional you must compute all values (min, max..) correct. This is not easy!

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    1.  Mr. Kitty: What is a displacement root brick, please?  Is it different from the existing displacement brick in the base shader?

    2.  DrPingy: You mean putting in three image map bricks and connecting those to displacement strength?  Would there need to be an intermediate math brick between them?  Where would I put this computation you're talking about?

  • Sorry, I was thinking 3Delight - ignore me, at least as far as vapourings about root bricks are concerned.

  • DrPingyDrPingy Posts: 78

    My comment doesn't work with Iray Uber! I had build my own shader with basics bricks.

    With Iray Uber you can this (see the attach file).


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  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited October 2016

    Thank you, that's SUPER helpful!! :)  Can Add also have a Z there or is two a hard limit?

    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • DrPingyDrPingy Posts: 78

    Thank you, that's SUPER helpful!! :)  Can Add also have a Z there or is two a hard limit?

    You can switch off all limits (Parameter settings: use limits:off).

    Be very carefull with big displacements. You can destroy your surface.

    The result depends very strong with SubD levels!!!

  • DrPingyDrPingy Posts: 78
    edited October 2016

    Oh I thing I misunderstand you!


    You can add ADD-bricks inline.

    Post edited by DrPingy on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I believe, I can mix 2Normal map by average,   but which Bricks I needs to modify default UberIray shader ? (which auto generated, when I make new material as MDL)

    Now I try to mix 2 normal map, but can not find clear way, to get average of 2 Normal map (R,G,B).  


    I need it because,,   now  I set  "normal 1 map" ( R,G,B) on "lyaer1" as depth , in 3d Paint aprication..  then I can see current depth of mesh.

     if I paint depth on "Layer2", to add some detail, ,  it auto circulate and merge depth with Layer1  then re-produce new Normal map to show same depth in daz studio. 

    .And  I can export each Layer normal , individually too.


    I believe, i can do samething,, about iray and daz shader mixer.  if it work,  I can make depth only tatoo, or add depth for LIE make-up layer by plug in  normal2 texture,  with all skin mat (same UV)

    without change default mat normal , but just add new depth as Normal map. 


    I think,, the math seems simple enough,,  just get color of 2 Normal map, and get average value,,,   but I do not know how I cordinage with daz shader mix.

    Can  someone  show those blicks to get normal average from 2 normal map? 


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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited October 2016

    Yeah,, OK,,,, I think,, it already work ^^;;  (though I did not believe it would work without modify ,,cheeky,)   just need to change  Normal map paerameter label, and name,

    untill I plug in second Normal map to the User parameter,,, or I just get 1 normal proeprty then could not mix,,


    No,, I must need to tweak more,, it divide as 2, 1st Normal map depth,, I feel,,, if there is no 2nd Normal,,,sad


    after all, I add new weight blick,   then it can mix normal 1, with normal2, by weight slider.  first,, finally  adjust  normal strength by multipler.  maybe OK for my 

    purpose..  I just add blick pic, if someone need for test (may not need ^^;)

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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