Happy Thanksgiving

Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
edited November 2012 in The Commons

Today, in the United States, is Thanksgiving. It is a holiday to celebrate and be thankful for all the blessings in your life. I am thankful that my brother will have his surgery soon and be back on the road to good health. I am also thankful for the turkey and pumpkin pie I will be eating soon. LOL

So Happy Thanksgiving from me to all of you and may it be a wonderful day for all.


PS. Feel free to post what you're thankful for today.


Post edited by Muon Quark on


  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    I'm also thankful for 3D art.


  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    I'm in the UK, so obviously don't celebrate the US thanksgiving day. But I like this thread.

    You know, life at the moment is difficult, some people know about some of the things I'm going through, and I have started to actively think abou the things I've got to be thankful for. This thread is a bonus, because I get to write some down :D

    *I am thankful that I have my limbs. My mother was born with one arm and she did amazing things, but it was harder for her, and I am glad I don't have those hardships.
    *I am broke, but I have food in my belly (far too much of a belly in fact).

    That will do for today, or I'll be struggling to think of something tomorrow!

    Happy thanksgiving, friends across the pond :)

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    I have already wished our cousins across the pond a happy thanksgiving in another thread but please spare a few thoughts for the turkeys. :)

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    I have already wished our cousins across the pond a happy thanksgiving in another thread but please spare a few thoughts for the turkeys. :)

    Ok, I'm thinking about the turkeys now.




    With potatoes, and veg, and gravy, and... That wasn't what you meant, was it?

  • Muon QuarkMuon Quark Posts: 561
    edited December 1969

    LOL Turkey is about an hour away.........:coolsmile:

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    I have already wished our cousins across the pond a happy thanksgiving in another thread but please spare a few thoughts for the turkeys. :)

    Ok, I'm thinking about the turkeys now.




    With potatoes, and veg, and gravy, and... That wasn't what you meant, was it?Could have been.... :P Making me hungry now

  • IanTPIanTP Posts: 1,329
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    I have already wished our cousins across the pond a happy thanksgiving in another thread but please spare a few thoughts for the turkeys. :)

    Ok, I'm thinking about the turkeys now.




    With potatoes, and veg, and gravy, and... That wasn't what you meant, was it?

    chestnut stuffing and crispy yorkshire puddings... oh man, i am so there :)

  • IanTPIanTP Posts: 1,329
    edited December 1969

    I am thankful for my loving wife, the roof over our heads, and the supermarket end of day bargains I keep sticking in the freezer.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I'm thankful for a warm place to sleep tonight :)

  • IanTPIanTP Posts: 1,329
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    I'm thankful for a warm place to sleep tonight :)

    Amen :)

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    I'm thankful to have made it this far.
    For everything that makes me happy.
    And for things that make me sad. As
    long as I can feel sorrow, I haven't
    gone over the edge yet.

  • I am very greatful DAZ3D makes great affordable 3D software and content available so I can use them to create my visual art and for this Forum with its helpful mods and members. You know who you are. Thanks so much!

    1200 x 720 - 745K
  • wsgentrywsgentry Posts: 572

    This might seem a little trivial to some, but I'm truly thankful for my wonderful wife.  I recently had surgery to fuse four cervical vertebrae and my recovery has not been easy on my wife.  I can't lift much, can't drive, and can barely type.  My fingers aren't working well and are very sensitive to cold temperatures--we live in Michigan so go figure!  I've been off work since two and a half weeks before surgery and since the surgery have been dealing with nerve pain from my neck and into my hands.  She has been there through it all and has helped me when needed.  It wasn't easy for her when I was on 3200mg/day of Neurontin as it literally turned me into someone who couldn't concentrate on anything for more than ten minutes.  The lower dose I'm now taking is better, but I still have my moments. She's been great.  

    Here's what may seem trivial. I'm really thankful I have Daz 3d. Since I don't have to type much, it has been something I have used to pass the time. I've learned so much about the software over the last month, and now that I'm not a "zombie", what I've learned is sticking.  So, I'm also thankful for DAZ3D.   Additionally, I'm thankful for all the forum members here who have answered my silly questions.  I'm also thankful that I have been lucratively employed so I can afford to buy a crap-load of products and support the wonderful artists who support us!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!   Remember, it could always be worse.


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    Happy Thanks giving to you all too.  Man am I stuffed....lol that is why I'm thankful for elastic pants....Ha!

  • I'm thankful for every single person who has supported my freebie-making endeavors. Just knowing someone is using something I created makes my entire week.

    I'm thankful for all the people out there producing amazing art and sharing it with the rest of the world, and all the people who provide tutorials, resources and advice. We stand on the shoulders of giants and even those who don't feel like giants can still make the pile a little taller.

    I'm thankful for forums like this where the community can come together from anywhere around the world, even if we don't always agree.

    Most of all I'm thankful for my wonderful girlfriend, who loves me even when I feel like a hack. I'm not a people person but she makes me feel like one. heart

    Have a good damn weekend everyone.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,641
    edited November 2017

    Today, in the United States, is Thanksgiving. It is a holiday to celebrate and be thankful for all the blessings in your life. I am thankful that my brother will have his surgery soon and be back on the road to good health. I am also thankful for the turkey and pumpkin pie I will be eating soon. LOL

    So Happy Thanksgiving from me to all of you and may it be a wonderful day for all.


    PS. Feel free to post what you're thankful for today.


    I am thankful my husband survived his first and second surgeries. After he almost died and spent 12 days in intensive care post surgery (miracle he survived) and the shock wore off, I was very thankful. That thankfulness turned to anger and resentment when a year later, a different surgeon pointed the finger at a collegue and said, "The other surgeon made a huge mistake and we have to do an emergency surgery or he will die." My ungrateful response was, "Like Fkkkkkkkkkkkkk you will! They told me he can't under go any more surgeries so go Fkkkkk yourself!" and I hung up slammed the receiver in his ear.  Three minutes later the best surgeon one could want had called my husband's attorney and said, "I quit." The attorney (workers comp) patched things so everyone could kiss and make up. The quote was, " I told your new surgeon what you went through and he said, "Make sure you get them back in here." I am thankful for that.

    Unfortunately my husband was (after his first surgery) a high risk candidate for future surgeries) and his chances of surviving a second surgery were in itself slim to none. At the time I didn't know his doctor, we were trusting wwith his care, the surgeon Dr Sastish Lal - operating out of one of the best hospitals with a 5 star rating - ( IMHO who is a fkkkkkkkimg idiot who has killed one afican american and harmed/maimed  many others beyond repair and been sued for such and still maiming practicing) was the problem. I waivered on the second surgery, but without it my husband would be dead . Unfortunately the damage done by the first surgeon was irrreverseable and resulted in his permanently disablity. He lost uncountable abilities to have/enjoy lifes small moments , but I am grateful the second surgery kept him out of the grave and although he is still permently disabled, unable to drive, travel, walk the dogs or tie his shoes, I am thankful he is breathing. I am thankkful he is still part of my life. I am thankful for all the moments in my past, that I thought were curses, but now see as blessing of resilence, and looking back, even at the darkest moments, I am so, so thankful for each of those moments that made me stronger and able to help  him stay stronger.

    Edited because spell check is on strike and to add I am thankfull for Frozen Claimjumers' Apple Pie (in the oven . . . Mmmmmmm) and French Vanilla Tillamook Icecream.

    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I am thankful that my son and daughter in law made it up from S Carolina. She moved down in Aug (Grad school) and he followed in October.  Its been a lot harder than I thought it would be and I am thrilled they are here for the whole weekend.  I'm thankful that my husband puts up with my craziness while I'm trying to put together a meal for more people than should realistically fit into this house. I am very grateful for Daz as it has allowed me to really take my art in a direction I never thought I would be able to go, and especially grateful for the friends I have made here, the vendors who put out such wonderful things, the people who make stuff and give them to us for free, the time (the best gift of all!) that everyone here is willing to take to help someone learn, or figure out what is going wrong, or just commiserate over some of the crap that life dishes out to all of us in varying degrees on any given day.  You guys are awesome.

    For those of you who are having a particular tough time and have found something to be grateful for anyway, I sincerely wish you a better year and that your blessings will only get better.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    I am thankful just for the positives. We all have issues in our lives, mine included and while I am finding that getting older is really becoming troublesome in many areas, it could always be much worse, so that is a big positive. I am thankful for my job. Even though it is stressful and full of complications and issues at times (dealing with the public mostly!), the alternative would be much worse. I am  thankful for my GF, even though I don't see what she sees in me (19 yr age difference), LOL.She definately keeps me young at heart, active and positive about things. last, but not least I am thankful for Daz and DS. Even though I spend way more than I should and it keeps me away from my commercial 3D duties too much, it is something I really enjoy, so thanks DAZ!

    Happy Thanksgiving all!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    edited November 2017

    Happy Thanksgiving! 

    Between the awesome freebies, the yummy turkey, and the Netflix movie that came in the mail and my husband and I are about to curl up and watch - it's been a really great Holiday! 

    I'm thankful for the great Daz community who has taught me so much over the past year and a half. I'm thankful for my family (called Mom on the phone - I haven't seen her in years since she's so far away, but it was so good to hear her voice). I'm thankful for my amazing husband. I'm thankful for my kitty even though he's a brat and wakes me up several times a night. lol I'm thankful that we're all healthy and have enough food and finances to meet our needs. I'm very thankful to live in a place with clean water and reliable electricity and that's a safe place to live. I'm very mindful that in that regard we are very blessed, as there are far too many others who don't have those necessities.

    And I'm SO thankful for those who are called to help people who are in need, with financial help and/or volunteering their time and energy - to help improve the lives of those who aren't as lucky as we've been. I used to be one of those people in need - and it means the world to have help, even if it's just a little, you never know how much good it does. My husband and I donate when we can, I hope you guys do too if you're able to. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! heart

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,125

    Happy Thanksgiving, fellow forum frequenters.

    I appreciate all the helpful guidance, tips, and advice.  I appreciate the sense of community.  I appreciate the occasional off-topic humorous banter.

    I wish you and yours all the best.  May you have even more to be thankful for next year.


  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794
    edited November 2017

    happy thanksgiving everyone!  I had ham instead of turkey, but boy am I ever so stuffed.  First time to have made sweet potato casserole and boy....was it ever delicious.  

    I am thankful for my wonderful son.  As a single parent, it is wonderful to know and have people tell you what a wonderful young man you have raised.  I am also very much appreciative of all the blessings my son and I have received and continue to receive in our lives, hoping they never end - the good blessings, that is.  Cheers!

    Post edited by ThatGuy on
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