Copy camera setting from one frame to another
I have an animation that starts showing a whole figure, then zooms in, then I want to finish with the original zoom (exactly).
How can I easily do this? How do I copy the camera/zoom settings from one frame to another frame?
I must be missing something obvious, but I have tried everything and can't figure it out.
I can enter the camera x/y/z/zoom settings one by one, but I want to just copy the whole camera setting and paste them into the other frame?
At first, I strongly recommend to get Key mate to clear see what you set key for daz timeline.
DAZ timeline usually auto set key only about which you moved or tweaked, it is useful but at same time,
it cause difficulity to preserve each value on each frame. key mate can make you easy which value are actually recorded or not about each frame.
then to preserve carrent camera setting (pose and parameters), I use property preset.
select cameara on the frame, where you hope to copy current properties ( location, Focal length etc), then from top menu,
file >save as >property preset, you must check others
check current frame only, then go to each tab section . and must check," include XXXX setting in preset" , then choose properties, which you want to keep the value. about camera, you may need to check, "pose" and "others" tab.
after save the property preset, change frame, and select camera, then load the preset, it should copy and paste camera properties.
but even though you set key, it not means, actually all valuse are recoreded in current frame. if you change some value on otherr frame,
some property which you have not tweaked may change,,,, (then anyway, I recommend to get keymate, and graphmate)
(but if you get key mate, it allow you to easy copy and paste each properties which you need only, or copy and paste all properties value, about camera too. )
I think, DAZ may better to set key mate as default tool of daz studio, without buying it as new plug in.
if daz really say "daz stuido is good for animation" too.
It seems must tool to check which property values are recorded as key. . as default daz timeline not clear show them.
Actually it is difficult without you understand the daz timeline behavor, to manage timeline, presisely.![sad sad](
I am almost beginner about animation, but I can easy understand what cause difficulity about DAZ timeline..
substitute way, I do not know it preserve all or not, but select camera on frame, then memorize Object, and move fame , select camera, " restore selected item", seems work. it seems more quick. though it can not choose which proeprty you need to memorize and restore. and of course, you may need to check other frame keep the value which you intended .
(from topmenu>edit >object>memorize >"memorize selected item" and "restore >resotre selected item")
Thanks a lot, this works. Not sure how I missed this menu option, useful for a lot of things.