How to match textures for Genesis 2 anatomical elements - please help

Hi there,
I made some custom character, but I can't get the genetals to match my texture Whatever I do there is this horrible mismatch. I tried so much, at this point I have no idea what to do :(
Take a look, this is so bad;
Image removed.
Sadly, I can't even remove the gens either, if I do, there is a big ugly hole left on my character. If it's not possible to match the textures, than please somebody tell me how to remove the genetals at all! Im better off without them. So far I do not have a single textures got work with it.
Post edited by Chohole on
Okay... Trying to make sense of your post.
Does the weirdness also show in rendering, or just the preview?
Are you trying to create Iray or 3DL surface settings?
You are talking about changing the texture for the separate Gens for G2F, not the hip region of the actual body? (Also, you might want to remove the image, as nudity isn't allowed in the forum).
Could you post the screenshot of the surface tab settings, please? For the one that has skin that looks correct, and the one that has skin that doesn't work? There should be differences, which is what causes the problem.
The big ugly hole is becausethe genitals are still geografted on, merely hidden: if you unfit them or delete them, the hole will close as the geograft will no longer be considered a continuation of the mesh.
Try this:
Find the best texture match from the existing texture maps for the genitals.
Lighten or darken it to get a closer match. Don't fret about this too much.
Use this opacity map (Example map is for the Genisis male ganitals). If you're better with gradients in your 2d program, make a better one. Don't be afraid to share.
Further adjust the diffuse and opacity settings
EDIT: Added better Opacity map
Even though I misunderstood the original post, this method should work for female add-on genitals that don't use the main texture from the body. You'll have to make your own opacity map though