Solved: Unparent Camera and KEEP Trans/Rot setting

DondecDondec Posts: 243
edited October 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion

I've grouped all my Cameras together in my scene, which works fine for normal renders.  But LineRender9000 doesn't work with grouped cameras and I verified this.

Is there any way to create a Copy of the camera, the one in my group hierarchy, and keep precisely all its global positon/rotation settings?   Regular unparenting doesn't preserve that stuff, and I can find no manual way to do it either.   Thanks

   - Don

Post edited by Dondec on


  • When unparenting make sure that Parent in Place is on (as a check box in the Change Parent dialogue or as a selected menu item in the Scene pane option menu, the lined button in the top corner).

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    Thanks Richard... found it, but unfortunately... no effect, either way (checked/unchecked).

    I finally Aligned then manually copyed every Parameter from one Camera to the other.   You'd think there should be a script or something for this or simply keep its global attributes when you unparent.  Sort of a bug huh?

       - Don

  • That's odd, it worked for me in a simple test (camera parented to a prop, then prop moved) with parent in Place on and right-clicking on the camera in the Scene pane to select Unparent.

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    Thx for checking.  I've got a bunch of cameras in a Group.   Moved the Group like you did and have the camera setup in the viewport. 

    When I unparent that camera, the view is totally whacked out.  No target object attached. 

    The Groups coordinates are (11855.15, -19.76, 424.23).  Child camera coords are local (105.4, -49, -286).  Verified: when I unparent the camera it retains its local XYZ coordinates, same as when it was parented to the Group.

       - Don

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited October 2016

    Had you already checked  "Parent in place" option  on,, untill  you set and  parent cameras to the Group?

    if you set  "Parent in place" after you  parent camera to the  group,,, ,, I think those un-expected change happen.


    when I set three camera as group, then move each or move group, then un-parent camera,

    the global position and rotation of camera not change.. only values of parameter tab  change from (parented to gorup) local to the (unparent ) global

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Parent in Place should not have a memory - it should simply apply to the current operation. My test was aprenting to a primitive, not a group - I'm just booting DS to compare the way they behave.

  • Still seems to be working with a camera parented to a group.

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    Hi Richard,

    I certainly do appreciate your follow through.  I've attached 3 pix in reverse order... hopefully they display in the right order this time... (they came out reversed the last time I did this.)

    A: Don CAM MAIN2 selected and in viewport,  and the camera's properties

    B: I'm showing the option "Parent Items in Place" is checked as you recommended, then I right click and select Unparent.

    C: Viewport changes after the unparent.  Don CAM MAIN2 now outside of hierarchy.... and same props as before.

    The Parent Items in Place option has no effect... same result checked or unchecked.  Since the Group was moved away from origin, the camera now points in the wrong place.

    See anything wrong with what I'm doing?      DS 64b



    1074 x 434 - 73K
    598 x 320 - 41K
    919 x 408 - 73K
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I see,,, It is because you locked translateion and rotation  in parameter.  

    when  you un-parent camera from group,, those locked  values need to change from local to gloval.  

    to keep gloval position and rotation.  

    to remove this problem,, when you un-parent or parent cameras,, unlock transltation. rotation parameters. then un parent.


  • Have you tried Create New Camera: Apply Active Viewport Transforms?

  • DondecDondec Posts: 243

    Sharp eye Kita... I never would have looked at that.

    TY very much.

       - Don

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