Unwanted JCMs

Hi I've made a hood as part of an outfit.

I used auto fit and then amended the weights but I'm still getting some mesh distortion from some jcms. 

How best should I approach this?  Can I safely delete the jcms and resave the asset or do I need to do something else? 

Any help is much appreciated.


Hood Issue.jpg
1503 x 832 - 309K


  • Leave the JCM, otherwise DS will auto-generate it again, but remove all deltas so that it has no effect. Or remove the JCM and create a new property with the same name, the net result will be the same.

  • Thanks for the quick response Richard!  Is there a way to stop them effecting only that part of the mesh but allow their influence on other parts? 

  • Yes, make the morph(s) a favourite by clicking it's heart icon on the slider, select the vertices you want to remove from the morph(s) with the Geometry Editor tool, then right-click and select Morph Editing>Clear Selected Deltas from Favourites.

  • Thanks again Richard - sorry for the delayed response, real life getting in the way of hobbies :)

    I've had a look and I can't see the option "Clear Selected Deltas from Favourites."

    See the attached image :)  



    removing jcm.jpg
    1838 x 958 - 377K
  • Which version of DS is that? Help>About Daz Studio.


  • Ok hint taken, I've upgraded to the latest version and I see the option now :)

    One final question and then I think I'm good (lol).  Is there any way to smooth the transition between the area of the mesh being driven by the jcm and the area that is not?  I've had a quick play nad I seem to just be moving the tearing around the mesh...



  • If you export the moprh as an OBJ and then reimport it (with the same name, so you replace the existing deltas) you can set up a weight map to modulate the moprh (use a do-nothing DForm to create the weight map) and then apply that as you load the morph - it's the last or last but one option in Morph Loader Pro.

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