Does 3DL calculate invisible polygons?

If Vicki7 is wearing a catsuit and you hide her body under the catsuit, does 3DLeight still calculate the hidden V7 polygons when rendering?

In Poser this works... I'm trying to figure out if I'm wasting my time hiding stuff in 3DL renders - heh!

Thanks for any insight.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Polygons that are hidden by the 'eye' in the Scene tab (or, I'm pretty sure, by the Geometry editor) are not even passed on to the renderer...

    But, 3DL will do some culling of hidden polys on its own, so whether or not you need to, is a different question.  Now there are a couple of things about 'hidden' polys (think those covered by clothing as opposed to physically hidden)...displacement is still calculated on them (that can cause 'rendered' poke through), but lighting isnt',  So if the goal is saving memory on the render, then actually hiding them will be more useful.  Saving time/shortening the render, maybe.

    When you start adding in things like SSS and such, though, hiding (eye) can cause problems...especially if it 'opens' up something...

    Then there is the other case, something inside a 'solid' something in a box.  If it gets no light/can't displace beyond the box, then it is completely if it were actually hidden.

  • Thank you for the detailed response, Mjc1016 !!

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