Striped people

I'm sure someone else (or a lot of someones) have asked this before but searching the forums doesn't work very well and I haven't found anything on this problem. Quite a few textures for people seem to develope stripes and or spots when rendered at a distance in 3Delight. A character might look great up close but move 'em into a long shot and they suddenly look like a weretiger or leopard. I've had this problem for a long time on several machines using different video cards and always just had to use another texture that does work at a distance.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Can you post a render showing what the problem is?  If you can list what texture set and show the surface settings, that would be great.

    One thing...if it's 3Delight, the video card doesn't matter.

  • RLPRLP Posts: 55

    Cropped picture. They're in the middle of the "Ballroom", well away from the camera.

    210 x 396 - 107K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Still need the shader info/surface settings, but it's looking like it's related to SSS settings.  If the SSS scale is too high, that can be the result.

  • Definitely an SSS issue. In addition to the scale, it can also be related to the same surface ID numbers being used on two or more figures.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Shoplifted from an older thread ( ):

    " You'll need to reduce the shading rate on each of the affected characters' skin surfaces (on the Surfaces pane). I'd try going to 1.00. You may also need to reduce the overall shading rate of the image (in the Render Settings)."

    Addon from me: This works, usually.

  • RLPRLP Posts: 55

    It does seem to be related to the SSS mode. These are G2 "Bellatrix" and "Quinty" using the default settings. Bellatrix is the SSS version, EHSS doesn't seem to do it. I have never messed with texture settings except to sometimes darken or give a green or blue tinge to a character (Orcs & Drow). Sometimes I fiddle with Specular and glossy setting if someone looks too shiney but that's about it for people.

    Quinty shading settings seem to be

    Shading rate 1.0 - Shading Scale 0.5 - Subsurface On 1.0 - Subsurface Strength 75%


    test 2.png
    294 x 405 - 204K
  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,997

    It does seem to be related to the SSS mode. These are G2 "Bellatrix" and "Quinty" using the default settings. Bellatrix is the SSS version, EHSS doesn't seem to do it. I have never messed with texture settings except to sometimes darken or give a green or blue tinge to a character (Orcs & Drow). Sometimes I fiddle with Specular and glossy setting if someone looks too shiney but that's about it for people.

    Quinty shading settings seem to be

    Shading rate 1.0 - Shading Scale 0.5 - Subsurface On 1.0 - Subsurface Strength 75%

    You also have to consider 3DL's method of SSS also takes the camera's distance in consideration as well as the scale of the actual figure.


  • RLPRLP Posts: 55

    Definately the @$#% Subsurface Scatter. Not a problem with characters who have non-SSS textures but those like "Quinty" require some work. Looks like I can turn that off and adjust the color by turning up the diffuse strength since she gets a lot darker just switching SSS off. If the affected people are at a distance any other effects should be un-noticeable.

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