DS 4.9 - 3DS Max 2017/Vray 3.4 issue

I'm getting an issue with DS models exported to Max 2017 that has stumped me. Export Gen3 male to Max via obj. Convert textures to VrayMtl. When rendering in Vray 3.4 the figures render like they have a chrome texture applied. I don't know if something funky is coming out of DS, or there is some new setting in Vray 3.4 that is screwing me up (new to Vray 3, just recently upgraded from 2.4).


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    It doesn't matter what you export, right?  So something like a sphere primitive, with no texture would look the same as G3F, with all her textures?

    Try the sphere, and when you export it open the mtl file and copy/paste the mtl info here.  Then go ahead and import it into Max and convert the material.   Post a render...

  • Bringing in the spheres led me to the answer. The .obj files are coming into Max with the normals filpped. FIlp the normals in Max, the figures render fine. Not sure if the problem is a DS export issue or a Max import issue.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    In the export dialog, in Studio, there is the Write Normals option...it should be exporting the meshes with the normals in whatever direction they are in, in Studio.  Now one way to 'flip' normals in Studio is negative scaling...so check both.  Make sure you are actually writing them and that you aren't negatively scaling anything.

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