Is it possible to save the results of smoothing as a morph.

Is it possible to save the results of smoothing as a morph?  Smoothing is nice but it slows down workflow significantly. When posing I either have to select everything which takes a minute and turn off smoothing on everything or I get a delay everytime I pose something. So is it possible to save the results of smoothing so it doesn't have to recalculate all the time.


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited October 2016

    If you talk about smooth modifier, yes.  

    1  change the figure or obj which you need to make smooth morph , as base resolution.. 

    if your figure already posed and the item are parented, you must need un-parent the item which make morph. (keep the position)

    2  check "on"  "interective update" in parameter tab>meshsmoothing keep collision target, 

    3 export as obj, (keep default scale and axis). 

    4 remove smooth modifier defomation,, then import the morph.obj by morph loader pro.  must set, Reverse defomation =  yes.

    5  it make new morph, then when you set 100% , it deform, as if it is applied smooth modifier.

    you may retrun subdivide, to see better smooth effect, (if the item was sub-D and high resokution before)


    it may not perfectly same (because, we need to keep base resolution,,) but almost same, and actually I often use the way.  

    the good thing is you can controll the strenght as morph too.  (eg you can change limit, then set as 1.3, )

    but at same time,, smooth modifier often fit current pose only. (then it should up-date for each pozing,,)

    then mostly work about current pose and scene only.. but if you make these smooth morph with zero pose,, it may be usefulu for many purpose.

    you can apply this morph with keep smoothing modifier, with different pose,, it often make more easy to fit and smooth with collision target. 


    wuu I need to open my shop ><;  good day.

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • RodrijRodrij Posts: 157

    I'll try that thanks.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869

    If you want to save this morph for future use, do File>Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset(s) when you are done. Check only the box for the morph you created.

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