How to delete a morph knowing his name ?


is there a way to delete a morph knowing his name ?

I'm using this script to detect the name of the group where the morph belong and I get his name using getLabel

var oPaneMgr = MainWindow.getPaneMgr();var oPane = oPaneMgr.findPane( "DzParametersPane" );if( oPane ){	print ("ok") var oEditor = oPane.getNodeEditor(); var aProperties = oEditor.getPropertySelections( true ); for( var i = 0; i < aProperties.length; i += 1 ){  print( aProperties[ i ].getLabel() );  oGroup = aProperties[ i ].getGroup()  print( "Group : " + ) }}



Post edited by ratus69_c6741fefbf on


  • The label is not the name - the label is how the item shows in the UI, but it isn't used for internal manipulations. In any event, you can't actually delete a morph from within DS once it is created, as far as I know - you would, in principle, need to find the asset file on disc and delete (or chnage the extension of) that.

  • thanks Richard,

    well it looks like it's more a property here that drives a morph

    when I import a morph from Zbrush, Daz creates a group, let's call it Zbrush, and put inside the name of the morph

    if I go in edit mode I can delete the property with Delete Selected Property

    is there a way to do the same with scripting ?


  • I'm not sure, but does the deleted property stay deleted when you reload the figure? As I recall (quite possibly incorrectly) it didn't in the past.

  • if I save the scene with the property and I reload the scene, the property is there but if I delete the property, save the scene and reload the scene, the property stay deleted

    there no morph on the disk with the name I gave, it looks like the morph property is only in the scene not written elsewhere

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