Grouping not staying grouped, why?

I group objects with multiple parts, but when I have the objects in a complplex scene I inevitably loose the grouping, making re-arrangement in a composition super tedious. I can't re-group, and have to use the Ctntrol-Click to pick all the parts intersecting. Why have I lost group integrity? Did I change some global condition I'm not aware of?


  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited November 2016

    Sometimes Bryce gets confused. More often than not it's the Bryce user who gets confused (or maybe that only happens with me) laugh

    Things to try: Use the 'Deselect All' option in the top menu and then try again.

    Once you have made a group, assign a family colour to it (this makes it much easier to select, though can be tricky if your group objects have individually assigned family colours).

    Probably the most important one is once you have grouped a set of components, give the group a unique and easily recognisable name (then when you ctrl click over an oject, you will see a list of everything that is under the cursor and you will be able to easily select your group) See pic below.

    Hope this helps. smiley

    1280 x 800 - 240K
    420 x 650 - 229K
    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • Thank you! I'll do that. Great suggestions.

    Since the 80's I've used Maya, Max, Lightwave, and other less expencive packages like Carrera and Strata, not expert by any means, but got completely sideswiped by Bryce this week. I always assume I'm an idiot user, so I learn a bit each time. I hope to help others when my wings finish rendering! Thankssmiley I'll post results.

    Truly appreciate the benefit of your knowledge.yes



  • Dave,

    This seems to have worked! I also am using color grouping. I do the same thing in Photoshop and Illustrator so already in the mental toolbox. This  lesson is learned. I'll try and discover what I did to loose the groups.  Then ad that for the knowledge base.

    Thanks again. Not surprized your handle looks Zeta, lol.

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