Spherical camera at last thank you

thanks for the spherical camera in the latest public beta

1936 x 1044 - 424K


  • https://youtu.be/ajCaav73lzY

    OK a VR quickie

    watch on youtube in HTML5 or Chrome

  • and for those underwhelmed by this new addition, you need Horo and David Brinnen to teach you about making your own HDRi images for IBL.

    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

  • ToeJam said:

    and for those underwhelmed by this new addition, you need Horo and David Brinnen to teach you about making your own HDRi images for IBL.

    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Would it not work to use a Canvas to genrate a single-exposure .exr?

  • ToeJam said:

    and for those underwhelmed by this new addition, you need Horo and David Brinnen to teach you about making your own HDRi images for IBL.

    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Would it not work to use a Canvas to genrate a single-exposure .exr?

    possibly, I have found it complicated using exr but then I do not have photoshop, Blender compositor was my only solution for even opening that format, I work with tiff usually in Picturenaut.

    But for those with photoshop it prob is better and I have not tried an exr on the iray dome yet but as D|S does read it it should indeed work.

  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456

    This is great news.  Being able to create 360 images for VR, within DAZ, using a single camera, is going to be a lot of fun.  Get your Google Cardboard glasses ready!

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438


    ToeJam said:
    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Picturenaut is not suitable for HDRIs to be used with nVidia iRay. The color-bit and EV ranges are way too small.

  • AndyS said:


    ToeJam said:
    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Picturenaut is not suitable for HDRIs to be used with nVidia iRay. The color-bit and EV ranges are way too small.

    ah well I am no expert anyway, just thought you needed two images with different exposures to make a HDR image as read it online, I do image based lighting just using one ordinary 360 image mostly anyway and to my untrained eyes it looks ok too.

  • AndyS said:


    ToeJam said:
    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Picturenaut is not suitable for HDRIs to be used with nVidia iRay. The color-bit and EV ranges are way too small.

    Please explain?

  • What about Fusion free and Luminance HDR? Fusion has a 32bit free version and Luminance HDR has both32 and64bit for free.

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    AndyS said:


    ToeJam said:
    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Picturenaut is not suitable for HDRIs to be used with nVidia iRay. The color-bit and EV ranges are way too small.

    ??? I've managed to generate an HDR image with near 20EVs in picturenaut and it was moonlight not even sunlight. I've used it to rescale HDRIs with 24EVs with no changes to the EVs and image quality.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,275

    It's what I CRAVE!


  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    j cade said:
    ??? I've managed to generate an HDR image with near 20EVs in picturenaut and it was moonlight not even sunlight. I've used it to rescale HDRIs with 24EVs with no changes to the EVs and image quality.

    How did you do?

    I started with an 24EV (sunny sky) and picturenaut automatically reduced it below 17EV and 24bit only. As an outcome the lighting was corresponding to overcast.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited November 2016

    may need to watch on Youtube to see in 360 depending on your browser

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558

    That looks like a Wendy type movie

    ToeJam said:

    may need to watch on Youtube to see in 360 depending on your browser


  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    AndyS said:
    j cade said:
    ??? I've managed to generate an HDR image with near 20EVs in picturenaut and it was moonlight not even sunlight. I've used it to rescale HDRIs with 24EVs with no changes to the EVs and image quality.

    How did you do?

    I started with an 24EV (sunny sky) and picturenaut automatically reduced it below 17EV and 24bit only. As an outcome the lighting was corresponding to overcast.

    In the case of the already made HDRI I literally just loaded the .hdr and resized it. In the HDRI I made, I loaded the raw files from my camera and fiddled with the settings a bit. What did you do?

  • You need a decent tripod with picturenaut and raw photo format. that way your 3 exposures are spot on and you can get HDRI image you want from your digital camera.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Ah RAW, OK.

    There isn't any chance to do it based on jpg in a sufficient kind?

  • Rendered out an image as a jpg to same dimensions etc as some non hdr jpg images I already have for using as environment sphere backgrounds. When I try to render an image the background is white. I've tried adjusting luminance etc, but no matter what I do the actual image doesn't show. I know I must be missing something

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    AndyS said:

    Ah RAW, OK.

    There isn't any chance to do it based on jpg in a sufficient kind?

    I tested with the jpg versions of the raw images I used to generate my HDRI with 20EVs and got an HDRI with 18 EVs. Both of these were with 7 different exposures not 3 however.

    I did some tests using only 3 exposures:

    For raw files: Using the middle and 2nd shortest and longest exposures I got 17EVs, so a bit less than 7 jpgs > therefore more images can be more useful than raw formats. Using the mid and extreme exposures I actually got slightly higher 21EV spread and no difference in image quality as far as I can tell, so that's weird and warrants some more experimentation.

    For Jpg files: Using the middle and 2nd shortest and longest exposures I got 16EVs and a bit of color issues, with the mid and extreme exposures I got 21EVs, but the color was extremely messed up. Non-usable messed up, in fact.


    Again all of these are using the same set of images of my yard at night with a very bright moon


    Another important thing to note, jpgs are often less likely to store exif data (ie information about the shutter speed and such) which is info you need to get accurate HDRIs, (technically you could maybe manually fill it in, but...)


  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    j cade said:

    For Jpg files: Using the middle and 2nd shortest and longest exposures I got 16EVs and a bit of color issues, with the mid and extreme exposures I got 21EVs, but the color was extremely messed up. Non-usable messed up, in fact.

    Does D|S accept a 32-bit JPEG? (Messed up colors suggest not.) 

    I ask because you'd be hard-pressed to get 21 EVs out of an 8-bit file. Something in the software is lying if it says otherwise.

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited November 2016
    Tobor said:
    j cade said:

    For Jpg files: Using the middle and 2nd shortest and longest exposures I got 16EVs and a bit of color issues, with the mid and extreme exposures I got 21EVs, but the color was extremely messed up. Non-usable messed up, in fact.

    Does D|S accept a 32-bit JPEG? (Messed up colors suggest not.) 

    I ask because you'd be hard-pressed to get 21 EVs out of an 8-bit file. Something in the software is lying if it says otherwise.

    Thats not in DS thats the hdri generated by jpgs in Picturenaut. jpgs are only ever 8-bit however if you combine 7 of them you can get at least 18EVs per my experiments

    Post edited by j cade on
  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    j cade said:

    Thats not in DS thats the hdri generated by jpgs in Picturenaut. jpgs are only ever 8-bit however if you combine 7 of them you can get at least 18EVs per my experiments

    There are 32-bit JPEGs. It's not a standard file format. I've only ever seen it with some imported cameras. The 12-bit JPEG format, which is formally specified, is used in some cameras, but won't support 18 EVs.

    I'm not understanding the output file you're producing. Technically, you can make an HDRi with any 8-bit image file if you "stack" them and produce a 32-bit output with the expanded histogram. What output image format does your software create?

  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    Tobor said:
    j cade said:

    Thats not in DS thats the hdri generated by jpgs in Picturenaut. jpgs are only ever 8-bit however if you combine 7 of them you can get at least 18EVs per my experiments

    There are 32-bit JPEGs. It's not a standard file format. I've only ever seen it with some imported cameras. The 12-bit JPEG format, which is formally specified, is used in some cameras, but won't support 18 EVs.

    I'm not understanding the output file you're producing. Technically, you can make an HDRi with any 8-bit image file if you "stack" them and produce a 32-bit output with the expanded histogram. What output image format does your software create?

    This is what I'm doing. taking multiple images at different exposures and combining them to make a 32bit image in picturenaut > the method one uses to make a environment map for 3d software.

    As mentioned I am combining multiple images to get the 18 and higher EVs I've been using raw files, but someone asked about jpgs so I tested with jpgs.


    I'm saving out .hdr or .exr

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    ToeJam said:

    and for those underwhelmed by this new addition, you need Horo and David Brinnen to teach you about making your own HDRi images for IBL.

    render two exposure settings use Picturenaut and shove it on your iray dome or uberenvironment sphere and you need never be bogged down by big sets and lighting your characters again

    Would it not work to use a Canvas to genrate a single-exposure .exr?

    I've used DS to create HDRI from a 32-bit EXR:


    The results were fantastic!

    - Greg

  • Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697

    Where is the Sphere Camera?

    Thank you.

  • under lens in parameters for the camera

  • Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697
    ToeJam said:

    under lens in parameters for the camera

    Thank you, ToeJam.

    But which parameter?

    756 x 865 - 127K
    876 x 648 - 159K
    814 x 458 - 90K
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Have you tried hidden parameters?

  • Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697
    BeeMKay said:

    Have you tried hidden parameters?

    I have no idea.

    I do not hide any parameter yet.

  • Leo ChenLeo Chen Posts: 697

    Can you show me where is the parameter for 360" camera?


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