Main prop dragging parented secondary props morphing the main.... can be ?

JavPJavP Posts: 121
edited November 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion

I see that there are no news ( more than 1 year ago ) about something to make the roll movement of chain links. There are scripts but for tracks as a simple prop. But not for independent links.

Now the idea is to use a main prop ( the middle object in the attached figure ) as a map that will be changed using morphs for each link step in the advance. And each link of the tracks, as parented objects could follow their nearest point of the main prop repeating the move. Is a lot of work ( so many morphs as steps of a full cycle ) but could run. The idea is to reduce the work of move each link, moving ( morphing ) only 1 prop ( the main map of moment for all links ) and let that the links follow that. And in fact went well but in part.

The problem is that having this in the DAZ Studio, ( links parented to the plain main object ) I can pass the main object morphed for the first step. But the morph is not copied to the parented props. Only in 1 case I passed the morph to all the objects ( I don't know why not now ) but in that case the morph passed to the main object right, but bad to the parented objects. This is... 1 morph in the main, and 5 different morphs in the parented objects. What am i doing bad or what am i missing ? Thanks.



669 x 348 - 170K
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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I could understand, what you plan,, but I could not figure out,, about your detail step (what is the problem at current,, though I do not know you can finish your plan,, with  curernt direciton)

    I know,,  make catapila or manifacture watch belts,, by rigging  is actually difficult in daz studio, without more complex ERC type offered,, them maybe script can work for such purpose.


    anyway,,  "But the morph is not copied to the parented props"  means,, you expect,,  morph parent obj, then it link with child obj morph?  If it is just parented,, you can not save it as Figure or prop.

    you can only keep ERC link,, as the scene,, (that means, when you load the prop, it lost link,, it only keep link about current scene I think)

    But,, I really can not understand clear,, your plan detail  ^^;   (though it is interesting,, but I may not plan those type rigs, in daz studio,, may plan with another 3d aprication, which offere more

    physics tool eg,, i clone,, or blender and driver,, or Carrara may work (with add on may need,, I do not knnow)

  • JavPJavP Posts: 121
    edited November 2016

    I don't know nothing about scripts. Sure that the correct way is that, but the time to learn/apply will be much more starting from 0.

    The other using other software, yes, there are 1 or 2 sollutions out there, but I try to avoid payments. And sometimes that utilities seem to work as black boxes, not letting to extract the the frame/prop to DAZ Studio, wich will be the scene renderer.

    Then the question is more about your/my doubt. What is needed to load a morph from hexagon to the parent in DAZ, and link this ( appear too as morph ) in the child objects. Convert them as prop, triax figure, weight.... ?

    I know that this happens when the main object is a figure. But of what type, why or how ?

    As I said using a first pass from Hexagon to DAZ it transferred the morph to the childs too. But not well. As example the first movement morph was called as CAD1. And this was created with this name in the main prop. But in the track links ( child props ) were created 4 morphs for each one repeating the same movement but with the name "Morph".sad

    Well, I could live with this, but the problem is that now I can't repeat the pass from the parent to the childs. Probably at the moment of close DAZ to open it other day. Probably I missed something, I believe that the action of parent all the links to the main prop and pass the first morph in the same work session.

    Thank you.


    Post edited by JavP on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited November 2016

    Have you tested to make simple ERC with some priops, or one figure morphs already? smiley eg,,you move prop A x translate,, parameter,, it controll child prop B rotate Y parameter like that.. 

    or about daz figure, we often see ERC for parameter and morphs, (eg when you rotate some nodes, the ERC linked morphA auto-work,,as hidden)

    these two are show how ERC works with morphs and nodes parameter, or morphA and morph B,, after all,, ERC means, make link between two parameter.


    DS offer some options, but you can  not make so complex ERC,, but use add delta,, or multiple,, or divide etc,,  

    you can find those option, when you make Erc, Or you use ERC bake,, I may add link if I can find,, which introduce clear,, these detaill,, but Usually we may need learn

    by ourself test and try,,, 

    eg,,  You can  change Parent obj parameter A,, (eg  translate X = move to X axis), then it linked with Child object "morph B"  by ERC.

    but it not means,, the parent morph auto transfered to the Child prop.. the Child need to have morph which deform Child obj ,,already,,  then ERC work.


    the point I can not clear understand is,, you say "link the parent morph to child objects" , then  can you clear discirbe,, which parameter of Parent , and which parameter of Child need to link?

    If it is clear, It is not difficult I thinki,, (though without you make both as one rigged figure,, you can not keep those ERC,, as I said already,, but if you save them as scene or scene subset,

    without you change parent , your set ERC still work.   of course you may link any parameter of Both (parent, and child) if those parameter are actually saved (as moprh assets) or, if you can find in parameter of the obj about current scene.., save as scene may work.


    After all,, you can only set ERC about parameters Actually you can see each parameter, in parameter tab of those.

    parented prop ,not Auto generate and auto transfer morphs. to the child prop.

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I serch some documents, but I could not,,,  may better, to show what I do with ERC,,  then Now I have some simple zeep (it seems my first model,, I made with blender before ><;)

    and I load new Cone, , then  parented Zean to the Cone,, to keep ERC in scene, (I do not clear remember,, I need it,,but I though, I need at least parented both prop to link)

    then I set ERC Cone translate X (parent) with my zeap 4 wheel rotation. type simply ERC add,,

    after that,  when I move Cone X translation,, Zeap should move (parented) with X direction,, as same as Cone,,

    then 4wheel rotate at same time,,, as if Zeep rotate wheel, then move Zeep, (if I hide cone from animation render)

    then your case, should be more and more complex,, but I believe you need ERC anyway to achiev some how you plan. if you do not use script (and I can not do it, then make simple ERC,

    though I sometimes trry more complex one ,which pretend Conditional branching (but current daz Erc (formula are actually limitted I think, then not well to make Conditional branch)

    you may need many ERC,, to link with I believe.


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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    mm,,, so that, you actually need is,, how to load morph and save it correclty about two OBJ?


    Anyway I recommend , you load each part to DAZ,  and save as prop (if there is no rig),,  individually first..

    then make morph in hexagon about each parts,, . then use hexagon bridge.. 


  • JavPJavP Posts: 121

    Thank you. I have to read your comments with attention and make tests. Today is Sunday smiley , lot of hours to work in it. This tank will be rolling in detail even if I have to push it.


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I now feel, I could not help you al all,, ^^;   in my country now is sunday night, I still open my shop (but almost really sedom customer nowdays,, though I must open my shop,,every day)

    I am sorry , I could not detect your problem, but just tell some how different things,,, I really hope to follow your problem, and because,, your problem seems how to use morph loader or

    hexagon bridge with multi object, at same time,, Actually you can do it,, but I recommend not try multi morph at once and not try import and generate morph for different obj at same time.

    (I sedom make morph like the way,, and I think, you need to select one by one, when send morph for daz studio,, wu,,,, I really feel sad I can not help you well,,@@;)

    then if you have problem I recommend,, you stick more easy step and step pic,, with SS,,  you may get better answer (not for me but more reliable user, who can clear understand problem I believe,,)

    anyway,, good holiday!! 


  • JavPJavP Posts: 121
    edited November 2016

    Me too. In hours I will have to work ( after work with this crying). Finally I have been testing my first scripts and 5 hours later I have the first script moving all the child links. I didn't say you that I am developer since 30 years ago wink. Now will be the funny part. The phys of movement.

    During the tests the scripts show bad results. 2 hours losed by this. Cause ? The nodes DB was corruptedangry. Appeared a ghost node as parented but it was not showed in the user's lookup of scene content. Deleting all the childs/parent nodes and replacing again ( 79 operations ) all is going fine, and probably the pass of morph from Hexagon would be fine too. But now the script has much more play.

    Thank you in any case !!


    Post edited by JavP on
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