Taking Multiple Materials from 3ds Max to Daz Studio

davidedwards.medavidedwards.me Posts: 56
edited November 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi guys,

Curious if someone could give me a few pointers in the subject of taking Materials from 3ds Max 2016 (vray) to Daz Studio. 

I'm creating a bunch of street props/assets.

Specifically the workflow of using multiple materials and IDs in Max. For example; i have a prop, that has 5 different materials in a sub object materials inside Max. Their IDs respectively 1-5 When I take the model into Daz Studio I only see one blank material that I have to reset the opacity on. I know I can go into edit mode and select the polys, then assign them to new materials .. but this seems like a crazy process if i have a high number of materials in Max. 

I also noticed that the OBJ comes in as just one object. Where in Max it is five objects. Is it possible to import as a single asset with multiple sub objects? in the same way the characters work.

I aiming to get these assets working with Iray too. Is there anything specific I should be aware of with this in mind?



Post edited by davidedwards.me on


  • jurajura Posts: 50

    Hi there

    Not sure.but here are my settings and how it looks inside 3DS MAX and DS 

    My export settings for 3DS MAX

    My 3DS MAX Import settings

    DS Materials(as you can see couch have two material zones couch and legs)

    and same in 3DS MAX

    Hope this helps



  • davidedwards.medavidedwards.me Posts: 56
    edited November 2016

    Hi Jura,

    Thanks for the response. Strange I didnt get a notification. Sadly i'm looking for the other way around. I have a bunch of environment assets I created in Max, that i want to sell through the store, but currently the process of getting them over into Daz Studio isn't as easy as it could be. More so the material setup.


    Post edited by davidedwards.me on
  • What issues are you having? They may well not be specific to 3DSMax

  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197

    Hi David,here's a batch script I use with max,it will use the last used obj export settings and create an obj for each item you have selected in max,this should sort out the 5 objects exporting as one problem your having.the other option is to just use 'export selected' for each object



    macroScript Macro3
        outputpath = getSavePath "Save to:"

        if (outputPath != undefined) do 
        objList = getCurrentSelection()
        for o=1 to objList.count do 
        exportName = outputPath + "\\" + objList[o].name + ".OBJ"
        select objList[o]
        exportfile exportName #noPrompt selectedOnly:TRUE


    not sure about your material problem,I use sub object materials all the time and they always come in..it might be because they are advanced Vray materials?,I know Finalrender would often crash if I tried exporting objects with advanced arch viz materials.

    for the opacity issue I just delete the .mtl file before importing to DazStudio(will still bring materials in but minus the textures)..or open the .mtl file and change the "Tr 0.000000" to "Tr 1.000000" ..I have no idea why it sets the opacity like that.



    PS:there's a star button at top right on the forum threads that you can use to get notifications of replies.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    for the opacity issue I just delete the .mtl file before importing to DazStudio(will still bring materials in but minus the textures)..or open the .mtl file and change the "Tr 0.000000" to "Tr 1.000000" ..I have no idea why it sets the opacity like that.

    In the Obj/mtl format Transparency and Opacity do basically the same thing...but are opposites.  A Tr of 0.000000 means the material is opaque.  But Studio uses the opposite...Opacity.  For Opacity, 0.00000 means fully transparent.

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