Limit on viewport lights?

I added a light to my scene and it doesn't cast light in the viewport unless I turn off another light (any other light I have turned on activates it). Is there a limit on how many lights the viewport will illuminate with? If so, is there a way to increase the limit?

Attached is a screenshot of the scene with the light selected, but my other lights on, and one with another light turned off.

Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 2.10.31 PM.png
1098 x 731 - 472K
Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 2.10.43 PM.png
1095 x 731 - 489K


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    IIRC, the viewport will only use the first eight lights in the scene. Go to help -> troubleshooting -> about your video card - this will give the specifics of your OpenGL support.

  • depends on your openGL hardware.

    my old Dell inspiron Laptop with an integrated intel chip no dedicated graphics card saw 16 lights!!!

    crashed loading stuff into D|S but it did see the lights in the viewport acc to about my card under help!!!

    I tested it once and it was true!

  • Use the Render priority settings to adjust which lights show in preview - though the preview is not very useful since it doesn't show shadows.

  • Thanks. I don't usually use too many lights, but seeing where they're shinging while setting things is good when you don't have a Nvidia card!

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