Gen 3 items/morphs on genesis

FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722
edited December 1969 in The Commons

i am a big fan of the versatility of genesis. Been using V4 morphs and clothing with genesis since day one and have had great success doing so. With the sale going on, I was thinking of getting the Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis to hopefully expand the versatility. Problem is, I never really bought that much for V3 back in the day, so i was curious what some of the great characters you guys have for V3/S3 and even any gen 3 clothing outfits you have used on genesis that worked well. Thanks for any input!

Another question, has anyone with Gen 3 Iconic Shapes tried Irina adventures from blackhearted on genesis, i really enjoyed that set for SP3 back in the day.



  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I don't think AutoFit or the transfere tool has the ability to convert your Gen3 clothing at this time. It should be possible, however, to rig Gen3 conforming items for Genesis especially if you have the Gen3 shapes... unfortunately, I don't know how to do this... yet...

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722
    edited December 1969

    According to the promo page "Oh... and because the clone shapes are included, you will be able to "auto-fit" your favorite Generation 3 clothing."

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,366
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    I don't think AutoFit or the transfere tool has the ability to convert your Gen3 clothing at this time. It should be possible, however, to rig Gen3 conforming items for Genesis especially if you have the Gen3 shapes... unfortunately, I don't know how to do this... yet...

    This is incorrect, Auto fit works on Gen 3 clothing if you have the gen 3 shapes.
    Often it works better at converting than Gen 4 stuff

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I stand corrected. Interesting!

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited April 2014

    I am installing DAZ Studio 4 on a test machine so I can migrate from 3.5 Advanced... finally.... and have run into a snag with the Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis I purchased last year. I can't reset the download. Other items from that order are there, but not the Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis. PLEASE tell me they didn't retire this set! Even if they did, I should still be able to download something I purchased.

    Post edited by Demonslayer on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Go to your product library and pull up the product there. If you don't find any active download links on the page then submit a ticket to Zen Desk. Sometimes it's a glitch in server. I just double checked my product library. The links are on the pages in the product library and nothing is showing as inactive.

    Also, when you see inactive on something in the product library or serial code page it just means that either to product is no longer in the store. It does not mean the product no longer works.

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    I did submit a ticket. I was just wondering if anyone else was having a similar issue at the moment, as they have not responded to the ticket yet. Thanks!

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Not with this product but I have had missing active links periodically in the past.

  • GreycatGreycat Posts: 334
    edited December 1969

    i am a big fan of the versatility of genesis. Been using V4 morphs and clothing with genesis since day one and have had great success doing so. With the sale going on, I was thinking of getting the Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis to hopefully expand the versatility. Problem is, I never really bought that much for V3 back in the day, so i was curious what some of the great characters you guys have for V3/S3 and even any gen 3 clothing outfits you have used on genesis that worked well. Thanks for any input!

    Another question, has anyone with Gen 3 Iconic Shapes tried Irina adventures from blackhearted on genesis, i really enjoyed that set for SP3 back in the day.

    Genesis with V3 Clone, V3 morphs, V3 skin, V3 clothes, and V3 hair.

    316 x 750 - 29K
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,928
    edited December 1969

    As other have already said, Gen 3 clothing and morphs generally work really well with Genesis. The one thing you have to watch out for is that some of the older products weren't built as well as more recent ones, especially when it comes to freebies. As a result, you'll sometimes find clothing coming apart at the seams or crinkling around the edges when you autofit it, as happened in this test render I did of the old Aphrodite outfit and rogue goggles from the original DAZ Free Library.

    1225 x 1284 - 924K
  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    That's helpful. So do the V3/M3 etc. face & expression morphs work on the Genesis model after the Gen 3 iconic shapes are installed? Or does it just give you the base face/shape of the figure and you use the Genesis morphs after that?

  • almahiedraalmahiedra Posts: 1,349
    edited April 2014

    That's helpful. So do the V3/M3 etc. face & expression morphs work on the Genesis model after the Gen 3 iconic shapes are installed? Or does it just give you the base face/shape of the figure and you use the Genesis morphs after that?


    Gen 3 iconic shapes is for shapes and clones for autofit.

    Morphs and faces are converted with genesis generation X2,, you need read thread from Dimension3D and manual to verify if it is posible transfers face/expressions from gen3 to G1/G2 with this tool and its add-on for Gen 3, I was reading a few, and I believe it is posible, but I'm not 100% sure.

    Post edited by almahiedra on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Poser is more forgiving than DS when it comes to unwelded mesh. If it's an older V3 product that was rigged in Poser, the mesh may be unwelded and that's why it breaks up.

    I know Poser has a weld function if you are exporting an obj file but I don't remember if DS does or not.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,928
    edited December 1969

    gilikshe said:
    That's helpful. So do the V3/M3 etc. face & expression morphs work on the Genesis model after the Gen 3 iconic shapes are installed? Or does it just give you the base face/shape of the figure and you use the Genesis morphs after that?


    Gen 3 iconic shapes is for shapes and clones for autofit.

    Morphs and faces are converted with genesis generation X2,, you need read thread from Dimension3D and manual to verify if it is posible transfers face/expressions from gen3 to G1/G2 with this tool and its add-on for Gen 3, I was reading a few, and I believe it is posible, but I'm not 100% sure.

    I've never done it, but the actual product description does seem to that say it transfers Gen3 expressions: "After turning Genesis into one of the legacy figures with the according shape package, you can now give them back all the characters, shapes, and expressions that you have for the original figure. With GenX2, you can transfer all or selected morphs from a supported figure to Genesis or to Genesis 2 Male and Female. And thanks to the auto-follow feature of DAZ Studio, all clothing will also fit these morphs."

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281
    edited December 1969

    I've used A3 clothing on a GenXed A3/Genesis figure. Worked very well, although there is the usual issue of long skirts breaking up at the lower end. Gen3 shoes tend to fit to Genesis better than gen4 shoes, too.

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited May 2014

    I submitted my ticket on the tenth of April. It's now the 5th of May. Would you believe that they still have not fixed the download for Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis?

    Is there anyone else who has purchased this who actually can download it again? I am trying to figure out if my account is bugged, or the download page itself. I have had three tech support people tell me different things. Latest word was that they submitted a ticket and it can take 30 days.

    Am I the only one who finds this unacceptable? I remember when a fix for something like this was a single phone call and less than five minutes. This is not right. I have asked them to email me the file since they can't fix the downloader. I've been ignored on that request.

    Ken :(

    Post edited by Demonslayer on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722
    edited December 1969

    I take it you can't find it to download again, correct ? Make sure you look for the specific packages and not Gen 3 Iconic Shapes. try V3 and M3 Shapes for Genesis, A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis, and Stephanie 3 and FREAK Shapes for Genesis. I just found them and d'led no problem.

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    The problem isn't that. It is that when I look at my order, I have a download button. When I click that button, it takes me to the download page, but there is no button to do a download. :(

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    This is the product page:

    When I look at it, it shows "Purchased" on the status. I have an order I placed for it that shows up in my orders, and it simply has no download link. It doesn't show up in the Installer software either as part of my library.

    It's about driving me crazy, LOL!

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722
    edited December 1969

    This is the product page:

    When I look at it, it shows "Purchased" on the status. I have an order I placed for it that shows up in my orders, and it simply has no download link. It doesn't show up in the Installer software either as part of my library.

    It's about driving me crazy, LOL!

    Is it this page? If so, just click the individual product icons at the bottom to get to the d/l links.
    I just tried it and d'led all files with no problem.

    752 x 752 - 244K
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,366
    edited December 1969

    I also have no problem downloading the files either from the product library in my account or using the DIM.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    I pulled up my product page when you first posted. Even back then, I had both manual and DIM download links/buttons on he various product pages.

    I don't know what the problem with your tickets are. There have been a couple of other times in the past on older products where I was missing a download link on the product page. I've submitted tickets asking for the links. Granted, it took CS a bit longer to get the links re-established but since it wasn't a pressing matter, I didn't worry about it.

    All I can suggest you do is submit a new ticket. I don't know if calling DAZ would do much good. I don't know if you are in a part of the world where this is even feasible. I'm not even sure if they still have a toll free number.

    You could try PMing one of admins like DAZ_Jared with your ticket information and ask if he would check to see if the ticket actually made it from Zen Desk to CS. There have been times in the past when whole groups of tickets have disappeared.

    Sorry I can't offer any other solutions.

  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    Thanks everyone.

    It is obvious that my account is bugged somehow, not the download for everyone as a whole. This is a HUGE help!

    I'm going to update the ticket info and see what happens. I do have their toll free number, and I'm getting tired of waiting on e-tickets so I may give them a call today and get this ironed out. If I have to have them refund it and then repurchase it to get it to work, that's what I'll do. I suggested that almost from day one, but they hem-hawed about it. Very unlike the old days. Very disappointing.

    Thanks again,


  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    The issue I had was resolved finally today.

    Thank you DAZ.


    Ken Thomson

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited May 2014

    Because of this thread, I just checked my Product Library.

    When I filter on "Iconic", I get no results. When I filter on "Shapes", I get "A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis", "Stephanie 3 and FREAK Shapes for Genesis", "V3 and M3 Shapes for Genesis", and "V4 Elite Body Shapes". I can reach the Product Library Bundle page by going into any of the "...Shapes for Genesis" pages and clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, but that's the only way I can reach that page.

    Now I'm wondering what else I don't have access to... and I don't have time to check right now.

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    At the time I was experiencing the problem, I couldn't even do that. Nothing worked from the Gen 3 Iconic Shapes. Gen 4 did work without any issue.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    I have a nasty feeling that might be more than just a one-off Product Library page glitch. For unrelated reasons, I just checked back to my very first DAZ orders — just over ten years ago, and they're all there under the Dashboard>My Orders link — and the first one I came to was the old fully animatable P230 Pistol. This has been out of the store for a while, but we're supposed to always have "inactive" stuff still downloadable. Not this one, the proper Product Library page comes up from the link on the My Orders page, but the entire section at the bottom where the download buttons go is missing.

    Anyone else spotted random missing downloads? Or, anyone else bought the P230 ages ago but now can't re-download it? It can't be just inactive products like mine, those Iconic Shapes are recent and still active in the store. I'll fire off a bug report tomorrow when I'm not half asleep.

    (I'm looking back over other early orders, the only other glitch I've spotted so far is the old V2 CD. Since DAZ doesn't do physical CDs any more, I should at least be able to download the CD content, shouldn't I?)

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited May 2014

    I haven't run across any in the past few days but have found that some pages in my product library that are missing active download links. The last couple were varied. One was a missing download link for Dreamlight's point light sphere which is still sold here in the store. Another was for Posework's Puzzler which is long gone from the store.

    The product page should list your order number. With both of the above products and others, I submitted tickets with the order numbers and any other info I figured they might need.

    Because the Dreamlight product was still in the store, that link was fixed fairly quickly. CS ended up having to give me an alternate download link the ticket. Since the product was not a DAZ original and the vendor is long gone and there probably aren't too many requests for the download these days, DAZ found it easier to give me a link than try and mess with things.

    At the very least, they should give you an alternate link if they can't restore the link to the page.

    As far as the CD and it's content, you'd have submit a ticket and ask. Most if not all of the products on CD are DO's so I don't see why it would be an issue but who knows. I've only purchased one product that was CD only and that was the Reby Sky MR CD. Long gone from the store and CD wasn't what you call top quality. Fortunately, I had the foresight to copy and archive the files to off site storage. The CD might as well be a coaster these days.

    Post edited by icprncss on
  • DemonslayerDemonslayer Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    I suspect that if it's a product no longer sold, the fix they did for me won't work for yours. They had to refund my product and repurchase it to get the download to reset. If it's not in the store, that won't work. But if you have a missing file, submit a ticket right away so that sometime in the next few months it might get resolved. I advise screenshots of your download archive if the buttons are missing so that you can get them to see the problem right away, and do it for every single missing product.

    From my experience, it was very frustrating to get them to actually do anything until I had to take it public. I don't ever want to have to do that again, and hopefully they have realized that it was easier to fix the problem than put it off, because it took them less than thirty minutes once they actually listened to me.

    Good luck!

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    I've had missing active download links about a half dozen times since DAZ went to the new software. The last two were the ones I listed in my post above. One was the still in he store but is only now sold as part of a bundle and the other no longer sold and the vendor long out of the business.

    Each time I put a ticket giving the problem and the order number as proof of purchase. In all the cases it did take longer than the norm for the ticket to be resolved but in the end, either the links were activated on the page or in the one case, an alternate was provided.

    In your case, the order proved your purchase but for whatever reason, they couldn't re-establish the downloads. It was probably why it took so long for them to find a resolution.

    DAZ CS has never been one to shy away from admitting to mistakes and fixing them as quickly and painlessly as possible. In the case of the missing download links, I think there's only so much they can do until they know from IT whether or it's fixed or it can't be fixed.

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