Mirroring weightmaps from one object to another ? (gloves)

Hi, I'm working on some gloves and was wondering if there's a way to mirror/copy the painted weightmaps from one hand to another. I know there's a symmetry for painting weightmaps but I htink that would only work when painting within the same object ?

I'd need to be able to somehow apply the weights from the Left hand glove to the Right hand glove, they are the exact same mesh, just mirrored in modo before being exported, and the material names are different.

Also, I have to do the same for the JCMs, but there, I imagine I can just mirror the OBJs used for the JCMs and apply them on the other glove, unless there's a better way here too.

Any advice would be very welcome!



  • Could you not have a figure with both hands, weight it using symmetry, then use the Transfer Utility to move the weights from the two-glove figure to the left glove and right glove figures?

  • If I wasn't too far ahead on the one glove I'd do that... Taking that idea tho, I'll see if I can transfer the weights from the single glove to the 2 glove mesh, then mirror it to the other side with the syimmetry tool and then transfer it to the other single glove. Thanks for the idea!

  • So... as a record for posterity, transfering weights from 1 glove to a 2 glove setup didn't really work as it always destroyed the bones of the second glove and I saw no way to bring them back, without destroying the transferred weights of the other glove. Without the bones I could not mirror the weights.

    What I did in the end was have 2, 2 glove meshes set up. I transferred the weights to the first (which destroyed the bones of the other hand again) but then copy/pasted the weights from the broken setup to the second empty 2 glove setup. Since that one had all the bones intact, I was then able to mirror them.

    I'm sure there's a simpler workflow somewhere, but that worked, thanks again for the idea.


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