Morph for Genesis with Sculptris

Hi, i'm trying to create some morph for Genesis with sculptris, i've made following steps:

  • I've hided all the bone, except the head
  • I've exported the head as OBJ
  • I've loaded the obj in Sculptris, lowed the force of tools for not add new vertices
  • i've exported as OBJ
  • When i load it in DAZ, with morph loader advanced, the vertices don't match.

Someone can help me?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    You have to export the whole figure at base resolution.  You cannot just export parts.  Unlike, earlier generations, Genesis and newer need to remain intact.

    Even if you've set it so it won't add vertices, Sculptris is very difficult to create morphs does not always preserve the vertex order, which is key to a successful morph. 

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited November 2016

    look for a thread that describes how to use an external utility to mirror the genesis that you exported from sculptris to fix that problem. I believe it's by 'masa' and called MTM2 or something close. @ghastly had success doing what you are trying to do using this tool. There was a mini tutorial and it's pretty simple. In it, you use load the base genesis obj (exported raw from daz as obj), and then you load your sculpted sculptris obj, press the mirror R->L, and save with all verticies (uncheck little box), and I think morph-loader-pro takes it in and it seems to like it.

    Hexagon has symmetry problems for vertecies close to the symmetry plane, and sometimes random verticies don't mirror as well, and this solves those problems as well.

    The utility is still out there, but any tool you might use to mirror the left-to-right may work, even possibly some tool within the DazSTudio toolkit.

    good luck,


    Post edited by mindsong on
  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,834

    Probably my error is exporting only the head as i've done in the past with M4 and V4. Must try with all body.

    @Mindsong: you know where i can find Ghastly's tutorial?

  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,834

    Update: Has WORKED, i've created 3 morph for Genesis with Sculptris, only all you have right, Sculptris destroy the mesh when i use simmetry tool.

    I must search this MTM2 :(

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