JCMs ok... what next?
I'm creating my own bodysuit from scratch. Seems no matter how much I do to the suit I continue to find issues with malformations particularly in the crotch.
After importing the new suit, I use the Transfer utility so that it fits the Genesis 3 figure. Then I pose the figure in the splits and use the weight maps to
smooth out as much as possible.
Of course this doesn't solve the problem, so I create corrective morphs for each action associated with each bone in the offending region. Testing as I go.
For example:
Thigh bending up - JCM-ThighL-Bend115 & JCM-ThighR-Bend115
Thigh sides up (splits) - JCM-ThighL-Side85 & JCM-ThighL-Side85
Thigh twist in or out - JCM-ThighL-Twist75 & JCM-ThighR-Twist75.... JCM-ThighL-TwistN75 & JCM-ThighR-TwistN75
Each of these work perfectly and smooth out the bodysuit incrementally until intended max position.
If a pose uses a combination of these (which is most poses) DAZ will take a percentage of the JCMS and do a pretty good
job of smoothing out the bodysuit.
However I still find a pose that completely blows out the suit. So I make a new JCM and attach it to one of the bones/actions. Testing all previous
JCMs to insure they still work. This procedure contintues until I find that the newest JCM doesn't fix the malformations and actually affects the previous JCMS.
So I come to the conclusion there must be something else that DAZ artists use to that prevent malformations. I've used DAZ's Basic wear to compare with
my bodysuit. I can get these basicwear to distort with some poses but not nearly as bad as mine in the same pose.
At times I've found that a pose will use too many of my JCMs to fix a malformation. So I manually turn off the JCMs one-by-one until I find the offending
JCM. Is there a way that I can get DAZ studio to do this automatically?
Then other times, nothing seems to work. So now I'm grasping at solutions. I see options for Collissions? Is this something I should use? I'm not sure how these work. and can't find anything helpful in DAZ documentation about these.
Seems the main area that I'm having trouble with is the crotch area of the suit. I can fix other malformations on the suit. If there is someone out there that can help me figure this out it would be most appreciated.