3DL -> Iray. Surface that is being stubborn.

Hi all,

I see a lot of gripes of folks wanting to keep their 3DL surfaces in their content but I want to go in reverse. I have a surface in Flipmode's 'A Suspicious Cellar' that won't accept the Iray Uber Base preset shader when I try to apply it and stays as a 3DL surface. Is there something in a shader's brick composition that inhibits its makeup to not change to Iray or altered in general? If so, how do I go about flipping that switch off or manually reconstructing it so that I can apply the Iray uber shader to it? I have yet to dive into shader creation but have briefly seen shader network topography before.



  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited November 2016

    Did you select surfaces of the Props (or rigged props), cr2 pp2,  in surface tab,, then tried to convert?

    it seems work for me,, at least daz stucio beta then it should need to wrok about all items .


    Those items have no material preset for iray, they use daz default (3deligght) shader,

     but you can apply iray uber  surface = shader preset, still. then to apply and change  shader you basically need to select the surfaces in sruface tab too.. 

    1. select obj or prop, in scene (or 3d view), 2. select all surfaces of the item in surface tab,, 3, apply iray uber shader (shader preset).


    then,, actually you can change any surface as iray uber base.. ( it is not problem ,,which shader the item used before,

    we can change shader about each surfaces,, though it may change looks,, (ds try to auto convert,, but some properties value may not convert well for iray shader properties, about this case,   we need tweak iray uber base properties values, , or re-apply texture too)


    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • This is what I did:

    1. Selected the object in my scene in the scene tab

    2. open the surfaces tab and selected the appropriate surface

    3. open the presets tab in surface tab and applied Iray Uber

    No go... I am not using the beta version. Doesn't seem to work for me unless i am selecting the wrong item but it doesn't seem that way...

    And it's only some of the interior props where this is happening, the actual set took the iray uber preset just fine.


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited November 2016

    oh ,, now I found some props seems not change,, to iray uber shader surprise  sorry. 

    some interior props which loaded from interior.cr2 not change,,  I test same item with beta version,, it not work too.

    all items seems to use daz default shader,, but some can change to iray shader,,,others can not change to iray sahder.

    I have not seen this before,,, (I seldom use pp2 or cr2)




    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I feel,, if I load separated pp2 items (eg mirroer) ,, can apply iray shader without problem,,

    but about same item,,loaded from cr2 rigged scene props,, not change to iray.sad


  • Are you sure you have the item selected? If it's a parented prop selecting the partent in the Scene pane won't help.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited November 2016

    Richard No.. eg Now I load scene interior  cr2. (rigged props) from this product.  all mesh are assigned to nodes as cr2.

    no child obj in scene. then I can not change rig hierlachy without change rigs  (though it is cr2 then joint editor, may not work)

    then there is chair , or table  nodes assgined to chair and table mesh.. then I select node (or rig base then select all child too ),, select the all or individual surface,,, then apply iray shader,, not work.

    but I load same chair or table  (but pp2) from product as separate item (the vendor offer too)

    , it can change to iray.. Now I test both beta and product version.

    and If I change the rigged prop (figure) to prop,, then apply shader it work,, but ofcourse,, I lost ability to move each rigged prop.


    So that Now I get new reason to deny those Cr2 ^^;  

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    1. load FMC_interior.cr2 from smart content (or content library)

    2. select root node or select root and select al children.. then go to surface tab.. select all.. 

    3. apply DAZ uber base shader.

    4. some surface (and mesh)  can not change shader.. a few items seems change (I do not know,, what decide it)

    5.. If I change the rigged prop (FMC_interior.cr2) as prop, (conert Figure to prop)

    then select all surfaces, then apply DAZ uber base shader, it can change all surfaces to uber base shader.

    1450 x 840 - 300K
    1349 x 759 - 236K
  • Please report this as a possible bug (content or DS)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    When I apply the eg Cayman Studios Michael 4 to Genesis 3 Male UV / Geograft thingies and then after applying the textures and UV set I notice that I can't change all the extra geografted Surfaces 'Legacy M4 ...' from 3DL to iRay however, I can the rest of the G3M model. I don't notice it rendering though but maybe because I haven't rendered in an outdoor brightly like environment yet. It seems those geograft surfaces don't figure in the render but are hidden somehow.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited November 2016

    I may find when this problem happen,,, because If I tried to convert rigging to DAZ triax or generale weight,

    those of mesh (can not apply iray shader) have gone away , as if there was mesh. only the mesh which could convert to iray can remain.

    the reason is those mesh have not assign as face groups..  

    I sometimes find some Cr2 product (usually rigged props for scene) could not convert as DSON compatible weight maps.

    then the reason seems those mesh not assgined as face groups and nodes.. only weight color for cr2 rigs.

    I do not plan any report untill daz finish my already offered report. or untill daz offer more usable bug tracking system.

    User may need not just send report. (why We need so many report,, daz do not offer bug trackying system for user?)

    then please OP report it. sorry.

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I've hit a few cases like this. Some of the Dystopian worker drone surfaces refuse to change.

    The work around:

    Import a proper iray surface into Shader Mixer. Select the problem surface, then apply the Shader Mixer to it. End run!


    (I'm pretty sure this is part of a stack of bugs I've submitted that never got resolved)


  • I've hit a few cases like this. Some of the Dystopian worker drone surfaces refuse to change.

    The work around:

    Import a proper iray surface into Shader Mixer. Select the problem surface, then apply the Shader Mixer to it. End run!


    (I'm pretty sure this is part of a stack of bugs I've submitted that never got resolved)


    Huh, I have not tried that. Thanks, I have run into this problem with Genesis 3 geographs and the new N.G.S. Anagenessis 2 - Revolution script in Daz studio 4.9 beta. The script works great on regular figure but on geograph it will not.  So I tried the base Daz Iray Uber shader same thing  the base will take the daz iray shader but the addon geographs will not. This is a big bug.

  • I've hit a few cases like this. Some of the Dystopian worker drone surfaces refuse to change.

    The work around:

    Import a proper iray surface into Shader Mixer. Select the problem surface, then apply the Shader Mixer to it. End run!


    (I'm pretty sure this is part of a stack of bugs I've submitted that never got resolved)

    Thanks Tim,

    I will give it a shot. I am glad I am not the only one running into this problem. I have yet to use the shader mixer but it sounds like from what you are saying is that it can be manually fixed in there. That's good to know...


  • Please report this as a possible bug (content or DS)

    Thanks, I will see about that too...

  • I may find when this problem happen,,, because If I tried to convert rigging to DAZ triax or generale weight,

    those of mesh (can not apply iray shader) have gone away , as if there was mesh. only the mesh which could convert to iray can remain.

    the reason is those mesh have not assign as face groups..  

    I sometimes find some Cr2 product (usually rigged props for scene) could not convert as DSON compatible weight maps.

    then the reason seems those mesh not assgined as face groups and nodes.. only weight color for cr2 rigs.

    I do not plan any report untill daz finish my already offered report. or untill daz offer more usable bug tracking system.

    User may need not just send report. (why We need so many report,, daz do not offer bug trackying system for user?)

    then please OP report it. sorry.

    It's encouraging to know that turning the cr2 into a regular prop can possibly help. I will try using the geometry editor to add face groups too.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    thanks tim,,it may help me too.  but Is their way not change already applied texture,, from shader mixer?

    or is there more smart wrokflow to keep textures of 3delgiht?  

    As you know Usually we can use Ctrl Click abput shader preset, then use option,, (ignore texture), but it may not work when apply shader from shader mixer.

    it remove all texture, or if I pick from already converted mat,, it simply change texture to it,,,

    if it was only 2 or 3 surfaces, I may try manually exchange textures.. but this product set have many surface (which  deny to change iray)


    then,,  I think strange,, because I feel there was no grafted item untill Daz release DSON, not? or CR2 already used it for some product? (geometry change?)

    so those props of this product, which rigged as one scene prop, was actually non real mesh, but cr2 instance? 

    I tried to add face groups which is not assgined ,, but Usually geometry  editor crash. about those cr2, when I tweak those.

    (eg just hide then un-hide some groups, DS crash easy)



    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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