Genesis 4 wishlist!



  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    ebergerly said:


    Heck, I'd pay big bucks for a really nice cloth sim. 

    But other than that, the only other thing I can think of is some really good, up-to-date video tutorials on all the stuff that Studio has. Stuff like the Shader Mixer looks like it has huge potential. 

    But otherwise I'm just amazed. Heck, people talking about better fitting of clothes, but doesn't the collision detection already do that? I'm just amazed at how well 5 or 10 collision iterations makes the clothing fit really well.  

    You could try the VWD dynamic cloth sim from the other store. Many people love it but I experienced constant crashes. 

    As for G4, I hope it takes at least another year. I'm broke from buying tons of G3 stuff so, unless all that is completely forwards compatible, G4 will remain on the shelf for me to gaze longingly at for a long time to come.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    I was kinda hesitating on VWD after watching Sickleyield's great video on it. She mentions she has 64GB installed on her machine, and still gets "out of memory" errors when draping most of the hair and many of the clothing objects. 

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    " She mentions she has 64GB installed on her machine, and still gets "out of memory" errors when draping most of the hair and many of the clothing objects. "


    surprisesurprisesadcryingI  hope the VWD documentaion lists the minimum system specs!!!!

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Y'know, I was just watching some of the tutorial videos on VWD, and I've gotta say it looks pretty amazing. And from what I saw he was doing some serious animations without any memory issues. Perhaps there was an incorrect setting causing her problems.

    In any case, I'm definitely gonna purchase it and give it a shot. 

    BTW, you gotta see the animation video he does of a girl on the beach dancing Gangnam style wearing a dress. Pretty funny, and surprisingly good cloth response. And he just posted a new tutorial video yesterday on a very complicated "bow dress". Very impressive. 

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    ebergerly said:

    Y'know, I was just watching some of the tutorial videos on VWD, and I've gotta say it looks pretty amazing. And from what I saw he was doing some serious animations without any memory issues. Perhaps there was an incorrect setting causing her problems.

    In any case, I'm definitely gonna purchase it and give it a shot. 

    BTW, you gotta see the animation video he does of a girl on the beach dancing Gangnam style wearing a dress. Pretty funny, and surprisingly good cloth response. And he just posted a new tutorial video yesterday on a very complicated "bow dress". Very impressive. 

    I had the same issues as Sickleyield - only more so. Lots of crashes - some memory related, others, no idea. I had help from the developer but we couldn't get to the bottom of the problems so I got a refund. Some others also reported having similar problems but the people on their forum are generally happy with the product. I am at a loss to tell you why I and some others have so many crashes while the rest seem to use it without a hitch. 

    I wish there was better compatibility between DAZ Studio and Blender so that we could send rigged models across and animate or pose or drape cloth in Blender. 

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837


    "I wish there was better compatibility between DAZ Studio and Blender so that we could send rigged models across and animate or pose or drape cloth in Blender." 


    Is it currently not possible to export an animated FBX Daz figure to blender ,drape the cloth and export the draped cloth back to the original 
    daz figure if you could get the DAZ-Blender scale ratio correct??

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    edited May 2017

    Wow, thanks for the input on VWD. I just installed it and I'm very impressed. I had a simulation with a simple .OBJ cloth object on a G3, and it showed around 900k springs, and the simulation used almost no memory. I was using 9GB before, and during the sim it was just a tad more, maybe 9.3GB. On the other hand the sim pretty much pegged my 8 logical CPU's, which is nice. It's good to know it takes advantage of all the CPU's.

    A lot to be impressed with in VWD. The first think was that it works on not only unrigged mesh (eg, OBJ's) but also rigged clothing. I always assumed that rigged clothing was actually multiple, separate meshes that would just fall apart in a dynamic sim. 

    And the speed and response is very nice. Apparently the author is working on using GPU's for simulation, which should make things much faster. And apparently there is, according to one of the videos, a tool to allow you to tweak vertices DURING the sim, to make the cloth fall however you want and to fix difficult areas. 

    I then tried it in a very complex scene, using a rigged clothing that had over 14 million springs, and it worked great, and draped very nicely. 

    So far I'm very impressed. 

    Oh, and by the way, I'm using Studio on a Win10 machine, and so far no problems. 

    Post edited by ebergerly on
  • PetraPetra Posts: 1,156

    To me, the most important part, as a customer would, that they could use G3F / G3M skin and all the clothes.

    It is crazy how much money I spend with every new generation but of course, I do understand that Daz3d is a buisness and wants to make money AND, I shall buy anywyas. lol

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    ebergerly said:

    Wow, thanks for the input on VWD. I just installed it and I'm very impressed. I had a simulation with a simple .OBJ cloth object on a G3, and it showed around 900k springs, and the simulation used almost no memory. I was using 9GB before, and during the sim it was just a tad more, maybe 9.3GB. On the other hand the sim pretty much pegged my 8 logical CPU's, which is nice. It's good to know it takes advantage of all the CPU's.

    A lot to be impressed with in VWD. The first think was that it works on not only unrigged mesh (eg, OBJ's) but also rigged clothing. I always assumed that rigged clothing was actually multiple, separate meshes that would just fall apart in a dynamic sim. 

    And the speed and response is very nice. Apparently the author is working on using GPU's for simulation, which should make things much faster. And apparently there is, according to one of the videos, a tool to allow you to tweak vertices DURING the sim, to make the cloth fall however you want and to fix difficult areas. 

    I then tried it in a very complex scene, using a rigged clothing that had over 14 million springs, and it worked great, and draped very nicely. 

    So far I'm very impressed. 

    Oh, and by the way, I'm using Studio on a Win10 machine, and so far no problems. 

    Glad that it works for you - and jealous! Although I got a refund, I might buy it again if he ever gets the GPU version working. 

    Oh, and by the way, I was also using on Win 10.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    wolf359 said:


    "I wish there was better compatibility between DAZ Studio and Blender so that we could send rigged models across and animate or pose or drape cloth in Blender." 


    Is it currently not possible to export an animated FBX Daz figure to blender ,drape the cloth and export the draped cloth back to the original 
    daz figure if you could get the DAZ-Blender scale ratio correct??

    Sorry - did you mean to say animated or posed? I was really wondering whether it is possible to pose and animate a DAZ Rigged figure in Blender. From what I have read, the rigging in Blender is different to DAZ so I am not clear on how that would affect the ability to animate in Blender. I've also read that the cloth drape in Blender is extremely slow but they are working on improvements. Sorry, I didn't note where I pick up all these snippets of information - I just browse around.


  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    marble said:
    ebergerly said:


    Glad that it works for you - and jealous! Although I got a refund, I might buy it again if he ever gets the GPU version working. 

    Oh, and by the way, I was also using on Win 10.

     And I think the #1 most wonderful feature is something I've wanted for a very very long time, and that is a "shrink fit" collision function. Blender has it, but the VWD implementation is much much nicer. 

    It's called "Scale", and basically you can tell the simulation to scale (shrink or expand) your clothing mesh before doing the sim. So if you want a form fitting outfit, you just scale the clothing down to maybe 70% and it's like shrink-wrapping the garment on the figure. That fixes one of the things I dislike most about rigged/conforming clothing, which is the unnatural depression you always see in the cleavage area, for example, or where a dress bridges across the thighs. This Scale thingy does an EXCELLENT job of making the garment fit much more naturally. 

    On the other hand, Blender tries to pull each face/polygon of the clothing to the nearest point on the collision object, which doesn't allow for cloth stretching straight across an empty space. A skirt always ends up looking like shorts :) 

    I'm sold. 

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    ebergerly said:

    I was kinda hesitating on VWD after watching Sickleyield's great video on it. She mentions she has 64GB installed on her machine, and still gets "out of memory" errors when draping most of the hair and many of the clothing objects. 

    It's a 32bit app, which is why it has memory issues.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    Arnold C said:


    - Figures optimized for volume based rendering.

    Instead of thinking of just surfaces the figure needs to have volume based skin and bone layers with different thickness in different areas to allow proper subsurface scattering, refraction and transmission effects.

    What do you need a "bone layer" for?! Subsurface-scattered light does get reflected back to the skin's surface as soon it reaches the hypodermis skin tissue layer. It doesn't even come close to any bone.

    • Rigging back to industrial standards. Genesis 3 doesn't natively support any standard animations available on the market without messing around with 3rd party conversion tools. Gen3's bone and node layout is the worst idea ever.
    • Albedo, Specular and Glossiness-/Roughness texture maps following PBR standards. Almost 2 years have passed and Genesis 3 still uses Renderman compliant texture maps which are PBR incompatible.
    • An accurate PBR skin shader. Still too many (and wrong) wild guesses.

    Dynamic cloth and hair (either get Optitex back on the horse or get rid of them already, they didn't do anything for ages!), NVIDIA PhysX... oh, wait, that's the DAZ Studio 4.9.5 wishlist. smiley

    Yes! I might add dynamic muscles & dynamic fat in that mix of dynamism too. And an improve pipeline that will get these Assets to MCS or directly to Unity / UE4 correctly.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    ProPose said:

    LOD's  would be a nice feature to have. Like we have in M4 and V4 figures.  

    I second this. I have the Decimator but it would be nice to have LODs established by professionals, mainly for export to use in 3rd party programs. It would be OK to have as an add-on like the morphs packages although technically I'm not sure if that is feasible.

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057
    edited May 2017

    Something that I'd like to see is a 'group pose adjusment' feature, as a native feature for Genesis 4..

    Say you want to twist a figure around above the pelvis to face a different direction, and bend forward slightly.  Right now you have to adjust lower abdomen, upper abdomen, chest,collars, etc to do this, which can take a bit of time. The idea here is that you'd have a couple of sliders that would adjust all of these proportionally to achieve this in a general sense.  So say 'twist above waist' would adjust all of the grouped twist pose controls proportionally. 'bend above waist' would bend all of the grouped bend controls proportionally, and the 'lean to side above waist' doing the same for side to side.

    Similarly, you could have this for hands and feet, so if you wanted to curl all of the fingers simultaneously, the 'hand grasp slider' would adjust all of the finger joints proportionally.  Same for the feet, although you could have a 'tiptoe' slider as well that keeps the toes parallel to the ground while raising the heel.

    Sure, you may need to make additional minor adustments, but this would quickly get you into the ballpark without having to adjust all of the sliders individually.

    There might be a product that does this already (I haven't seen it), but this would be a nice addition for Genesis 4.  If the product doesn't exist yet for previous generation figures, well I hope I just gave someone an idea, as this looks like something that wouldn't be hard to do if you have the necessary coding skills.

    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526



    I think it seems almost same what I hope to see.  I request  "Node selection set"  we can customize and save it for each Figure(save as character, or subset record selection set, for each Figure) , and for all nodes iin current scene. (save as scene,  record those selection set for multi figures and  objects(root node only)

    then we wiil click those Node selection set, and tweak each parameters at once easy.   (hidden multi selected node, then export, or  rotate multi selected node, or apply pose with selection set,, etc)  it should enhance usability . 

    At current DS offer gorup node, but it need to keep hieralchy of nodes.  we can not make group for nodes, which belong to different figure.  though we can multi select nodes, with ctrl or select childeren etc,, but "cusotmize, and save  Node selection set", make it simple.  

    at start point, I hope we can save "node selection set" for each figure. then save those user custom selection sets,  with character, or scene subset preset.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "Similarly, you could have this for hands and feet, so if you wanted to curl all of the fingers simultaneously, the 'hand grasp slider' would adjust all of the finger joints proportionally. "

    There exists a free script from Mcasual the does this wonderfully.



    663 x 473 - 71K
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    I may be off base here, but I think the reason why the characters look like their tongues are wrapped in plastic is that the mouth, including teeth and tongue, all share the same surface setting; so when creators work to get the teeth right, the tongue ends up looking wierd.

    If there is to be a Gen 4, I'd like separate surface settings for mouth and tongue.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Teeth are a separate material.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    jestmart said:

    Teeth are a separate material.

    Well, so they are. I looked for them in the surface list at least twice before and somehow managed to overlook them. If they were real teeth, they would've bit me!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Something that I'd like to see is a 'group pose adjusment' feature, as a native feature for Genesis 4..

    Say you want to twist a figure around above the pelvis to face a different direction, and bend forward slightly.  Right now you have to adjust lower abdomen, upper abdomen, chest,collars, etc to do this, which can take a bit of time. The idea here is that you'd have a couple of sliders that would adjust all of these proportionally to achieve this in a general sense.  So say 'twist above waist' would adjust all of the grouped twist pose controls proportionally. 'bend above waist' would bend all of the grouped bend controls proportionally, and the 'lean to side above waist' doing the same for side to side.

    Similarly, you could have this for hands and feet, so if you wanted to curl all of the fingers simultaneously, the 'hand grasp slider' would adjust all of the finger joints proportionally.  Same for the feet, although you could have a 'tiptoe' slider as well that keeps the toes parallel to the ground while raising the heel.

    Sure, you may need to make additional minor adustments, but this would quickly get you into the ballpark without having to adjust all of the sliders individually.

    There might be a product that does this already (I haven't seen it), but this would be a nice addition for Genesis 4.  If the product doesn't exist yet for previous generation figures, well I hope I just gave someone an idea, as this looks like something that wouldn't be hard to do if you have the necessary coding skills.

    The PowerPose enhancements in DS 4.9.4.xx (which are still in process) make this possible.

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