Site not showing images ...

boni_m_ab7b32f625boni_m_ab7b32f625 Posts: 113
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hi guys,
Daz's site isn't showing any images in product lists or on product descriptions. Other sites are running normally. I'm adding a screen-shot I just took. Any idea what's going on?? Hard to purchase if I can't see what I'm shopping for.

800 x 450 - 89K


  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    There are several things you can try.

    First of all try Ctrl+F5 to refresh the screen.

    Try clearing out your internet files like cache and cookies under Tools then Options or use a program like CCleaner

    Try a different browser. Waterfox seems to work well. It is an offshoot of Firefox.

    Then there are things like buy a new machine or stop shopping at DAZ, but those usually don't go over well.

  • boni_m_ab7b32f625boni_m_ab7b32f625 Posts: 113
    edited December 1969

    Well, I refreshed and cleared out my cache and cookies and no change. The wierdest part is ... the ONLY site effected is DAZ. I don't get gallery images, product images ... but I do get the main page image. I don't even get the logo in th upper left corner. I'll try chrome and see if there is a difference.

  • boni_m_ab7b32f625boni_m_ab7b32f625 Posts: 113
    edited December 1969

    Weird! Chrome works. I even see profile pics, etc. Well. I'd still like to get in in IE, but at least I have this. thanks for the advice. :)

  • Lazy LeopardLazy Leopard Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Something DAZ did around the time the Snowball Savings appeared seems to have done something that breaks the site's style in certain situations. Firefox seems worst affected. Sounds like IE suffers the same way. The "cure", for Firefox, is alleged to be "wipe your profile and create a new one from scratch". Simple cookie and cache cleaning don't seem to get deep enough. Alternative is to use another browser.

    Of course it would help if DAZ cleaned up the style-code of their site, too, but that's probably expecting a bit much.

  • boni_m_ab7b32f625boni_m_ab7b32f625 Posts: 113
    edited December 1969

    It's silly, but I"m just using Chrome for DAZ and nothing else. It fixes it but feels like a "rigged" fix.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Are you using Firefox with NoScript?
    You have to allow and .net ...

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