Request to GhostofMacbeth for Genesis 3 Character(s)

Perhaps a Gen 3 Dwarf? Perhaps a Gen 3 Centaur? I like your style.


  • Thank you very much. I am trying to get a couple of things out and then I plan on finishing up some Genesis 3 stuff. I am slow though wink

  • edited December 2016

    Well I love (and purchased) your Dwarf among other things. As I said before I love your style.  would really like to see an updated (gen3) Dwarf of yours and I'd REALLY like to see what you could do with a Centaur. I'm a patient man. I can wait.


    Post edited by stormwalker54_5fb8825cf6 on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Can not have too many dwarves.


  • Thanks :)

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