Recommendation for time saving UI revision

The problem: Once you get a few objects in your scene, the select tool highlights them on mouse-over, blinding you to the rest of your scene. This forces you to take the time to turn off objects, etc. to be able to see things correctly.

The solution: A minor UI reposition of the camera/view controls, taking them out of the main view port and thus eliminating unintentional mouse-overs.

Diagrams addressing the issue attached.

Daz3D Problem.jpg
892 x 1006 - 97K
Daz3D Solution.jpg
1786 x 1014 - 2M


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    you could use  :-   Viewport Options Menu > Docked View Controls

  • That's great and should make my life easier, thanks! That should be the default, not the other way. It took me forever to find, even with you telling me what I was looking for. All you old pros know where everything is, so ui changes I mentioned would benefit noobs like me, who want to learn the program, but still don't know where everything is. I still stand by my recommendation. :)

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Switch to Bounding Box Only in the Draw Settings pane.

  • Actually, Choholes is the better suggestion.. It gives you navigation outside the viewport. It's my opininion that you shouldn't have to click things or sacrifice quality or do a workaround just to navigate a scene. Some things are understandable.. ie. until we get volumetric lighting, get used to planes.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Actually, Choholes is the better suggestion.. It gives you navigation outside the viewport. It's my opininion that you shouldn't have to click things or sacrifice quality or do a workaround just to navigate a scene. Some things are understandable.. ie. until we get volumetric lighting, get used to planes.

    I confess, it was not actually my suggestion.  I was relaying some Info from one of the devs.  

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