Manual File Installation Questions

I have been installing content into DS for years but have some questions regarding DS specific files and what is needed and what is not.
- What is the difference between a "dsa" file and a "duf" file?
- When installing Studio specific content some Zips contain Runtime folders....are the contents of these runtime folders required for Studio content or are the Data files all that are needed?
- I have a Runtime folder within my Studio "Content/My Library" folder. This Runtime folder has the following sub-folders: (these seem like they are Poser structure folders....does Studio need them for content?)
- Geometries
- Libraries
- People
- Spectra Mats
- Support
- Templates
- Texture
- Textures
I know that I am generalizing in some cases above but I don't like eating up space for un-needed files. I do not use Poser at all, only Studio....the odd thing is I understand the Poser runtime structure and file types better than I understand Studio file types and structure but have never used Poser...LOL
Any information that will help me understand the Studio file types and structure would be greatly appreciated.....I should say that I have a pretty good understanding of the overall Studio folder structure but some of the folders baffle me.
1. Dsa is a Daz Script ASCII (as opposed to dse (encrypted) or dsb (binary)). So depending on what they are, yes they are probably needed.
2&3. That Runtime is needed, for newer Studio-only content, that's where the Texture folder resides, so without it, you won't have any textures. For older converted/split format/just old content there are things in there that may be neeeded (especially Genesis content from the first few months it was out..and anything before then). The items in the Libraries folders are what show up in the Poser Formats section of the Content Library, and there are quite a few older products that are still only in that format.
The Texture/Textures thing is a mistake...and if you do get rid of Texture something will throw not found errors...
Spectra Mats wis something added by a product (not sure which one) and it would probably throw a hissy fit if that folder were removed.
1 dsa is daz script file.. it sometimes used to auto-adjust poser material files for daz 3delight shader too. as script,, you can locate it as you like (not need to locate it in runtime directories) but,, some ds contents may include it in runtime , then adjust poser mat to daz studio 3delight. those dsa usually unvisible from DS (located in subfolder of poser runtime)
duf is kind of JSON ,, it can be any prest, or scene file,, but not "script" as true meaning, it usually used to load asset as instance with parameter value, then generate scene. then most of duf should be installed out of "runtime".. and not be included in "data" but,, DAZ sometimes it locate in "data" too to load hidden template. (for auto-fit etc)
2 if some zip include runtime,, you usually need to keep it. without vendor offer geometry or texture separately and locate them in another place.
you may need to check read me for each.. . it is same about 3,, you better install all, as same as zip under root directories.
(Usually if you need not install runtime contents, vendor must offer different zip I believe,, and all daz contents should offer separate package,, for Ps only or for DS only , sometimes we need both (eg Core and DS) , then most of DS package still need runtime,, because textures should be installed there . and it is recommended.
then Actually I have same problem,, I do not have poser,, but DIM offered package often confuse me,, about package name . XXXX Ps XXX Ds XXX legacyDS XXX Core etc.
though,,. I just believe DIM filter,,then only install DIM show me,, but about third prity contents, Usually I install all as same as package. no need to worry about.
(then read me clear discribe it,, usually). but DAZ document is really un-usable which I must need or need not,, about each package...
maybe smart user think it is clear enough, but I think it is really bad document.
almost no meaning.
Thanks 'mjc' and 'kita', I appreciate the information....still boggles my mind why the Studio content seems so muttled and inconsistent. When I started using DS many many years back I stuck with Poser content and only (manually) installed Poser content and disregarded the DS specific files. Either deleting them of installing them and never using them.....then Genesis and Iray came onto the scene and that changed EVERYTHING for me!
Now I focus HEAVILY on Studio content and primarily use my Studio content 'folders' and less and less of the Poser specific folders.....
I LOVE what Genesis and Iray offer but not crazy about all the other 'stuff' within the Studio structure.
The 'mess' is because of Poser compatability. So all old content is still usable, Studio needs to be able to use/see both systems.
What about the DAZ Studio content that provides a second Zip file noted as "OBJ" that required for Studio content?
I noticed that Stonemason's stuff has this Zip file included a lot I need to install this Zip if I will only be using the content in Studio? Are these base geometries part of the main Zip file that is generally numbered as Zip "-01"?
The Stonemason zipped objs are for those that are using his newer items in programs other than Studio, so if all you are using is Studio, no, you won't need them.
Yes, the geometry of Studio specific content is in a dsf file in the /data folder.
Can you show me the actuall product name? if I have installed it already,, I may check it.. then do you use DIM?
if you use DIM,, and open download filter,, and check only about ds 4.5 (not check poser or ds 4.0),, it usually show content which need for ds 4.5 later only.
though it sometimes offer orhpan meta-data (only make product category,, but there is no assets,, or sometimes make orphan icon which we (ds only user) need not install
but meta-data discirbe it)
Stonemason's Sci-Fi Kit 2016 (SKU:33815)
File in
Unfortunately it is in my wishlist but I have no plan to get it now sorry (Hope sales) ^^; then usualy,, at first I check wiki read me,, but it seems not up-dated still,
then I need to say complain,, daz recently only offer read me,, by WEB about some product, but at same time,, about new release, they do not offer.
why DAZ can not understand it is problem for your customer? the product page said,,
I see it is offered as DSON, but I can not detect, which zip include dsf (geometry) or not. then if your zip file include geometry.dsf in another zip,, you need not install
but untill I actually download them,, I can not confirm. then can only suggest,, first install another zip only,, then if you can not load them in DS,
you download another zip package ^^; Yes it is not good.
(just need to add one clear document,, which zip need or,, the second zip only include obj then DS user may need not install etc
in product page,, or at least offer the read me.)
As mjc1016 said ,The OBJ zip is only for use in other apps.If your using Daz Studio then you don't need the obj zip.
Hi Stonemason, it is good and thank you told OP clear,, the obj zip is only for in other apps, as soon as you can.
But usually we check it by read me. If there are,,, we may need not to ask directly or wait each vendor reply, which package we may need etc.
Then who have responsiblity about "up date read me" of web,,and aboout adding those things in each product page , (actually I often hope more discribe, about each prodcut package untill I get those without serch read me ) ? DAZ or vendor?
Thank you Stefan for confirming! Is it safe to assume that this is the same for all your resent products as well?
Yeah, its in my wishlist also. It is too expensive for me right now. such thing as too exspensive for Stefan's Stonemason's stuff is top notch and worth EVERY penny.
I bought all of Stonemason's Greeble City stuff (and would buy more if I could use it) but I don't have the OBJ option -- I don't use Daz and wanted to use these inside of iClone. The only download options I see are PS, Daz, Ca and VUE, none of which contain any OBJs. Anyone have a clue as to how I can get the OBJs for these? (It says on the page it comes with them).
Ah, nevermind, found it in the Poser downloads (I'm a little slow sometimes).