Duplicate IDs were found
Sorry to keep you folks busy, but I came across another issue I can't solve on my own.
The log information says the following:
Duplicate id "BewitchingDress" found in file "/data/Debra R/Bewitching for Genesis/Bewitching Dress/BewitchingDress.dsf"
File loaded in 0 min 2.0 sec.
Loaded file: Bewitching Dress.dsf
It does this for the following items:
Bewitching for genesis
Defiant for genesis
G-Suit for genesis
Royal Elf for genesis
I uninstalled and re-installed, but it didn't seem to help
459 x 107 - 29K
Either reset the item to get a fresh, fixed, download or go to the index of free scripts in my sig and grab my scruipt to fix the copies you have. This is a known issue.