Tiling for image versus bump

3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

For a surface, is there a way to increase tiling of a bump map, without changing the timiling of the diffuse map?  

If not:

  1. This would be a good new feature!  :)
  2. Anyone know an easy way to take a bump map, and seamlessly make it 50% "smaller" in Gimp or something...?
Post edited by 3dOutlaw on


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    For Iray materials the answer is yes, but for 3Delight, it's no.

    Each image property in an Iray material has an individual tiling function.  You access it by clicking on the image icon, selecting Image Editor (not LIE) and there should be an instance tiling tab...

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 2016

    Brilliant, off to check that out now!  thanks!  :)

    Update:  Worked perfectly!

    Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
  • For which render engine? Iray, using the Iray Uber Shader at least, allows per-map tiling; the 3Delight shaders don't though it can be added in Shader Mixer using multiple Tiler bricks, one for each map you want to have its own tiling (but make sure you give them unique labels)

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    For which render engine? Iray, using the Iray Uber Shader at least, allows per-map tiling; the 3Delight shaders don't though it can be added in Shader Mixer using multiple Tiler bricks, one for each map you want to have its own tiling (but make sure you give them unique labels)

    I think you need to change the name, too, not just the label...at least I've been changing both.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    I knew I asked this before, so here is a resurrection for a follow-up question!

    If I have a shader (in this case for fur) that uses a horizontal and vertical tiles of 3 (for the fur), but I want to use my own image...can I "back out" the 3 by using the horizontal and vertical in the image editor of the image map only?

    I tried setting it to 0.25 (thinking x2 = .5, then x2 = 1) but it failed, and trying to figure this out wihtout trial and error is not my forte  ;-)

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,697

    Are you saying that the general tiling is 3, and you want to add a spedific map that only uses 1?

    Resulting tilling is Image tilling times General tilling,

    So if you want a resulting tiling for that image of 1 with a General tiling of 3, the Image tiling must be 1/3=0.333

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    OK, thanks I'll give it a shot.

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