Animating in DAZ Studio - a big disappointment!

Today I tried to do a simple animation with G3F, bringing her from a standing to a crouching position. The idea behind it was, that she found a coin on the street and wants to pick it up. I thought that cant bee too hard. But then I spent the whole afternoon with it and in the end I gave it up! Why? I will tell you:


In an ideal environment you would simply have to bring the hip down. Why? Because the feet are on the ground and cant move further down. So the legs have to bend and they can only bend in one direction (because of the anatomy of the knee).


Ok, DAZ Studio is no ideal environment, because there is no real floor. No problem, I can live with that.

Next I wanted to fix the feet on the ground, so that they cannot move through the floor. I tried everything. I pinned them, locked them in every possible way. Forget it. Pinning/Locking does not work. The feet still move through the floor like a hot knife through soft butter.


Next I thought about what happens when you move to a crouching position. The knees move forward and the hips move down. So the legs bend and the feet stay at their position. I tried to do this with G3F, and this was the first time that I realised that G3F has no knnes! Why not? It would make everything much simpler if she had knees. But there are no. Just tighs ans shins.


So the only way to "bring her down" was to manually bend the tighs and shins. Slowly and gradually. Bad thing is that this way the feet always lift from the ground and get out of their position. So you always have to lower the whole figure and repose the feet. And this way it is simply impossible to get a smooth and natural movement. Sliding and jumping feet are the result and the whole movement looks robotic and unnatural.


As said above, I fiddeled around the whole afternoon and did not get an acceptable result. And I dont know why. Is it the rigging, the bones, the joints, the whole IK system, the broken pinning or all together? I mean, am I blind or stupid or simply unable to create a smooth and natural animation with G3F?


Are there some tricks, tips or different workflows to get the job done? By the way, I do not blame the animation tools. I use Keymate and Graphmate and they both do what they should. So is it G3F who is unwilling to move naturally or is it DAZ Studio who does not let us create natural animations? I dont know, I am no expert, but I think serious animating in DAZ Studio is impossible.



  • The Shin Bend bone is the knee joint - figures have named bones which meet at the joints, rather than named joints with attached bones.

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102

    The Shin Bend bone is the knee joint - figures have named bones which meet at the joints, rather than named joints with attached bones.

    I think we mean different things here.

    I mean a knee that you can grab and drag with the pose tools. There is no. You can only move the tighs ans shins. But there is no knee.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited December 2016

    Hi Daz studio like poser does not have  an industry standard IK system
    with foot contact.
    This is the source of your problem.

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    wolf359 said:

    Hi Daz studio like poser does not have  an industry standard IK system
    with foot contact.
    This is the source of your problem.

    Ok, and how can I solve this problem? Wait until DAZ Studio offers the necessary features (which will probably never happen) or use a different software for animation?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601
    edited December 2016
    XoechZ said:
    wolf359 said:

    Hi Daz studio like poser does not have  an industry standard IK system
    with foot contact.
    This is the source of your problem.

    Ok, and how can I solve this problem? Wait until DAZ Studio offers the necessary features (which will probably never happen) or use a different software for animation?

    if want to spend a fair bit of money there is iClone 6 pro and 3dXchange pipeline

    Genesis 3 exports quite well 

    I have not had much luck bring the animation BVH back to D|S though with G3M and F but earlier figures can work selecting hip node in both apps, is a rather dodgey, Poser BVH import gives a better result so maybe after baking with foot contact and exporting and applying to genesis use one of the Genesis 3 animated converters.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • There is a tool called the "Active Pose Tool".

    When using it you can perform several important actions.

    1. You can pin a bone in place.
      •  You can choose where the bone will be pinned. At the origin of the bone, at the end or at both ends. Pinning a bone at both ends essentially locks it in place.
      • If you want to ensure something stays exactly in one place and never moves, you pin the bone at both ends.
    2. You can choose where you drag the bone. You can drag the bone at the origin, end or center.
      • Think of this as of "grabbing" the selected body part by its origin, end or center. The other bones will follow suit.
    3. You can activate the transform Gizmo here (shortcut is pressing SHIFT).
      • You can use the transform Gizmo to move a body part in the world directions on the XYZ axis (no rotations, just movement).
      • You achieve body part rotation by locking specific body parts. For example, locking the chest node and dragging by the end of the shoulder bone will bend it.
      • You will often switch between dragging and transform gizmo. Be aware of that.
    4. You can set joint stiffness here. This will affect how much body parts bend when you drag their children around.


    So to have a character bend down, you pin the feet in their position and then just drag the hip down with the Transform Gizmo. You can adjust the rotation of the Thigh and shin by pinning the hip afterwards (multiple objects can be pinned at the same time) and dragging the ORIGIN of the SHIN bone. That's how you grab the knee...


    There is also the fact that the Genesis figures react differently to the Active Pose tool because of the differences in their joint setups.
    Genesis 3 female has additional twist joints in bones that can be selected from the scene tab but not the viewport. You have to factor them in when pinning stuff down or else you will get movement regardless.

    Also.... there is a lot more to animation in DAZ Studio.
    I could make a whole guide explaining the differences and how to use them.... but for now, is this explanation neough?

  • oh and the iClone bvh is extremely flakey so scratch that idea 

    I just tested it.

    Poser has ik pinning, maybe convert to triax, save as a cr2 (companion file) use DSON and do it in there and save a pz2 pose file.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "Ok, and how can I solve this problem? Wait until DAZ Studio offers the necessary features (which will probably never happen) or use a different software for animation?"

    I use Iclone pro& 3Dxchange because of this issue 
    I highly reccommend it if one can afford it.

    "oh and the iClone bvh is extremely flakey so scratch that idea 
    I just tested it.
    Poser has ik pinning, maybe convert to triax, save as a cr2 (companion file) use DSON and do it in there and save a pz2 pose file."

    Hi I use Iclone to create custom body motion BVH for any figure from 
    Mike &Vicky 2 all the way up the line to genesis 2

    The problem is that the genesis 3 rigging has extra bones in each limb.
    Genesis 3 imports and animates as well as any other figurer in Iclone
    However the figure simply will NOT accept its own custom BVH file exported for use in DAZ studio.

    This is Not an Iclone problem
     heres is an example of how well BVH
    from Iclone works with Geneis 2 compared to genesis 3
    genesis 2 is obviously the first figure shown walking

    If you Must use G3 as your animated character you must first apply the animation to a previous generation figure and use one of the animation retargeting scripts like Commercial one from Draagonstorm  or the freebie script from zaz777. 



    Dont use poser for foot contact IK switching either!!
     its IK is rubbish from the 1990's 
    once turned on it becomes "global"
    and even after deactivating it retroactively ruins  the previous part of your animation

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    about BVH,, if you export G3F animation as bvh  from daz studio, and just  re import same bvh and re-apply it for gen3,, it not work already mentioned rig problems.  I thought  it is kind of joke,, when I first heared it. after all  I and another one  user,,  remove those "twist rigs" and re-targetting,,, (though I do not think it is usuall way(

    And enve though we recommend  Animate 2,, it can not  well with genesis3female still,, some option not work for G3F.. eg  sub track layer option. we can not set about many nodes.

     DAZ man said in tutoriall,, now animation team is working,, how many months we need to version up for current base figure,, about  DAZ officialy recommend main figure animaiton tool ?  

  • aspinaspin Posts: 219
    wolf359 said:

    Dont use poser for foot contact IK switching either!!
     its IK is rubbish from the 1990's 
    once turned on it becomes "global"
    and even after deactivating it retroactively ruins  the previous part of your animation

    IIRC the retroactively thing only happens if you save while IK is activated.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited December 2016

    "IIRC the retroactively thing only happens if you save while IK is activated."

    Hi forgive me, but this is not correct.

    I just tried the following in poser "pro2014 " 

    Load any figure and enable IK for the feet
    Select the hip
    Go the frame 15 or so and lower the hip on the Y axis
    making the figure squat down as  IK will keep his feet pinned.

    Go the frame 30 and raise the hip back to the full standing position
    You now have a nice  30 frame animation of a poser figure squating up and down 

     Do not save............. or  save it matters
    Now at frame 31 turn OFF  IK for the feet and  try to add  some imported  walking BVH or animated pose file or other motion where his feet will now be moviing.

    Watch how it destroys the  first Squating up & Down portion of your animation.crying

    IK rubbish poser pro 2014.jpg
    1188 x 747 - 136K
    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 2016



    So to have a character bend down, you pin the feet in their position and then just drag the hip down with the Transform Gizmo.

    Here I did exactly what you said. I used the Active Pose Tool, pinned the feet and moved down the hip with the transform gizmo.

    Please look at the result. And so I still say it does not work! The feet slide back and move trough the floor, the whole figure slides back and is far away from bending down correctly.


    1000 x 511 - 161K
    Post edited by XoechZ on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    One thing to remember...these programs (Studio and Poser) are primarily designed for the creation of still images...animation is a secondary (maybe even lower) function.

    Also, something that seldom gets mentioned in this type of thread is that there are a large number of scripts created by mCasual (Jaques) to assist with various animation tasks...

    His scripts can be found here...

  • DAZ man said in tutoriall,, now animation team is working,, how many months we need to version up for current base figure,, about  DAZ officialy recommend main figure animaiton tool ?  

    Which tutorial was this?

  • XoechZ said:



    So to have a character bend down, you pin the feet in their position and then just drag the hip down with the Transform Gizmo.

    Here I did exactly what you said. I used the Active Pose Tool, pinned the feet and moved down the hip with the transform gizmo.

    Please look at the result. And so I still say it does not work! The feet slide back and move trough the floor, the whole figure slides back and is far away from bending down correctly.


    That's because you are using Genesis 3. 

    Genesis 3 behaves screwy with the Active Pose tool. 
    You can kinda overcome it by pinning a lot more body parts at once, setting the Drawing Option to maximum Accurate and adjusting the Bone Stiffness - but it's generally not worth the trouble.
    Not sure why it does that to be honest - but it is BUGGED currently. 

    I'd suggest you use Genesis 2 or Genesis 1 for animations. The Active Pose tool is fully functional there. I perform that squat easily on them. 

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    Thanks for the clarification. So it is G3F that is buggy. At least with the Active Pose Tool. I hope that the DAZ team is aware of this issue and fixes it soon.
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    Lichard,, do you really I need to offer you the link ?  You really  not believe me I feel. 


     you can serch it if you hope to know which tutoriall by google etc,, ,, it is you tube ,daz offer as animation tutoriall.

    I really hoped to see it before, (though actually I know,, they may  not teach me almost anything,, but it will help some uesrs who start daz .  then if daz offer such CM like you tube tutoriall about animation for DAZ studio, I really hope DAZ have more resonsibility what DAZ said.and daz studio animation, tools.)

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Then Thomas,, I do not know why you need to show those tools usage strongly. because most of user  at least who try to use them

    already understand those tools are actually disappointed us much.. And it has been reported as future request.

    though I know you hope to offer manuall about daz tools, but at same time,,  there are already many user who learn tthose tools as same asyou.

    So, you may better not thinki,, if there is user who said problem about tool,, the guys just  do not know thoses tools usage.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Richard here is link. 

    then listen what he say when he guide about genesis3 to add layer as sub timeline.  

    I know, daz often up-date those tutoriall ,, just for gahter new comer for daz stuido with version up.  but DAZ do not continiue it. then all animation turoiall 

    jsut finish in februaly.   the more lean r daz timeline or animation tool,, the more they understand those tutoriall just  tell really basic things.  

    maybe we may see almost same tutoriall,, with  up-date daz studio, again and again,,with new base figures .without up-date and improve tool. 

  • If I know which tutorial, and at which time mark, I can check the information with Daz.

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102

    Ok, I just want to let you know that I have installed G2F now. And hey, everything works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The only problem is that I do not have many items for G2F. The most stuff in my library is for G3F. And G2F does not look very good in Iray. But animating her is a joy, because everything works as it should.


    Now I can only hope that animation for G3F will work in the same way. Soon.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    Then daz just hide it from video ?  or DAZ actually improve it ?  I thought when listen it,, it is DAZ time  joke.  Actually I do not disappointed at all, because I already know, daz may  not improve it without strong against from user ,, and yours DAZ users like DAZ and like  to say more friendly and Positive view.. but about these things, I can not be positive. but just think,, it is not so good without clear understand current actuall daz sutido animation,  just posttive user recommend daz studio. animation with many must buy plug in.


    it seems good chace,, if daz really plan up-date the problem for genesis3F and animate2

    may better must correct spline tool for genesis2 too.  you may often see,, if you play with genesis figures with Animate2

    those compatiblity problem. when you really play with more.

     Animate2 have never been up-dated to return the same power as same as V4 for long time for genesis figures.

    daz already know those things,, if they have animate team. I believe.  but daz do not care those things seriously. 

    if daz really have a plan to push daz animation,, daz must need to check more current Animate 2 and compatiblities.

    there are already plenty time,, I think.

    1644 x 838 - 389K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • XoechZ said:

    Ok, I just want to let you know that I have installed G2F now. And hey, everything works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The only problem is that I do not have many items for G2F. The most stuff in my library is for G3F. And G2F does not look very good in Iray. But animating her is a joy, because everything works as it should.


    Now I can only hope that animation for G3F will work in the same way. Soon.

    so you now need

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    XoechZ said:

    Ok, I just want to let you know that I have installed G2F now. And hey, everything works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The only problem is that I do not have many items for G2F. The most stuff in my library is for G3F. And G2F does not look very good in Iray. But animating her is a joy, because everything works as it should.


    Now I can only hope that animation for G3F will work in the same way. Soon.

    so you now need

    Lol, no thank you!

    I am tired of workarounds and buying stuff for things that DAZ is too lazy to fix. DAZ simply has to fix the Active Pose Tool for G3F - and nothing else. Since G3F is a DAZ figure and Active Pose Tool is a DAZ Studio function, I do not want to be forced to buy a third party product just to make things work, that should work by default.

    Come on DAZ, please fix this problem! Thank you!

  • Then Thomas,, I do not know why you need to show those tools usage strongly. because most of user  at least who try to use them

    already understand those tools are actually disappointed us much.. And it has been reported as future request.

    though I know you hope to offer manuall about daz tools, but at same time,,  there are already many user who learn tthose tools as same asyou.

    So, you may better not thinki,, if there is user who said problem about tool,, the guys just  do not know thoses tools usage.

    "Most" users means that there might be someone out there who doesn't know. Worst case scenario - people who know will just skip over my post. So not much harm in that I belive.

    And I am not offering any manuals about this. I guess that is a language barrier thing (I'm not from an english-speaking country) - in my country, saying that "you could write a manual about it" means that "there is so much talking about this, that I'd rather write a book so I wouldn't have to repeat myself - so its not worth listing all the details here now". 

    I generally just like to rule out that someone is not aware of a tool or its functions. User error is a common problem, so once that is ruled out - you can confirm bugs. At least that is my approach.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    OK sorry Thomas. Then those things will be dsicribed in future and you planed so ?

    Why I ask you, I thought whenI find,,some topics,,   you will  offer manuall for user

    And I think it will be offered as free.. smiley But you never said ,, how you plan to offer it.   after all,  you  sell manuall in daz shop. 

    My attitude clear different,, about manuall,, when the person sell it or offer it as free=  true volunteer 

    then I think,, you simply planed  CM your manuall in forum, but at same time,, you are not daz officila person.


    I think  daz  user  need not  to buy PA  document  to understand those basic daz studio  tool usage,  

    those things need to be offered by DAZ officially at first. then get garantee. and we can talk about those tool. more precisely.

    is this your product ?  if so,, I hope you show it more clear.  you are manuall vendor already.

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Then I do not recommend Active pose to Pin the selected node, and animate other parts  for animation. (without  OP  hope jsut make one Pose)

     to be frankly said  it not work.

    when You set active pose and pin about nodeA. then set poseA,, and key it on daz timeline frame 10

    next you move timeline to frame 20. keep pinned node,  but transform nodeB..  when you compare Pose A and pose B,

    you may think,, the pinned nodeA not change position. then you believe,, now you made  animation. which only animate node B

    but when you run animation,, the Active pose  pinned node A  move around then return the pinned position. on frame 20


    is this your product ?  if so,, I hope you show it more clear.  you are manuall vendor already.

    That is indeed mine.
    To be honest I do no understand what you want from me there.



    Then I do not recommend Active pose to Pin the selected node, and animate other parts  for animation. (without  OP  hope jsut make one Pose)

     to be frankly said  it not work.

    I oppose that statement.

    I use it constantly when animating and haven't encountered problems with the tool itself. (Of coure - when using Genesis, Genesis 2 and custom figures. I do not know why Genesis 3 performs oddly with it though...)

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    is this your product ?  if so,, I hope you show it more clear.  you are manuall vendor already.

    That is indeed mine.
    To be honest I do no understand what you want from me there.



    Then I do not recommend Active pose to Pin the selected node, and animate other parts  for animation. (without  OP  hope jsut make one Pose)

     to be frankly said  it not work.

    I oppose that statement.

    I use it constantly when animating and haven't encountered problems with the tool itself. (Of coure - when using Genesis, Genesis 2 and custom figures. I do not know why Genesis 3 performs oddly with it though...)

    It was explained in the video tutorial...there are extra bones in G3 that Active Pose does not know how to deal with.

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102

    I use it constantly when animating and haven't encountered problems with the tool itself. (Of coure - when using Genesis, Genesis 2 and custom figures. I do not know why Genesis 3 performs oddly with it though...)

    Well, I have sent a help ticket about this Genesis 3 issue. Now waiting for a reply...

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