Aiptek 14000u and Carrara 8 pro problem

edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hi Everyone

After installing the drivers for the aiptek tablet Carrara wont run, it opens for a second then closes, the only way I can now run Carrara is through the sandbox in Avast which I could live with but it wont always open or import files so its not really practical, I also have a Wacom Bamboo which I dont have any problems with but I prefer the Aiptek, the problem is with the Aiptek software or drivers because if uninstall them Carrara runs fine again is anyone else having or had this problem and found a way around it, I've sent Aiptek a email but so far have been met with a eerie silence.
Any help, ideas would be great

Thanks for taking the time to read this

Cheers Tim

P.s Its Carrara 8 pro build 231, 64 bit running on win 8


  • RoguePilotRoguePilot Posts: 239
    edited December 1969

    I've got the same tablet and that works fine.

    I'm running on Windows 7 though with the standard Microsoft media tablet drivers (through windows update I think).
    It did give me problems with Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro losing track when I first got it, I had to keep rolling back the drivers.
    That cured itself after an update though.

    It may help if you uninstall the drivers and get Windows to autodetect it.

    I hope its not a Win 8 issue.

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks RoguePilot

    That worked great I now have Carrara back, thanks again I'll add you too my xmas card list

    Cheers Tim

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