Dof autofocus like octane?

HI, is there any way to achieve somthing like the autofocus viewport in daz3d studio like octane do?

Any script, i was searching and always found dead link concerning the DOF control script and else

Thanks in advance for the help


  • Not sure what Octane does but DS has DOF, it is turned off by default on the camera.

    Select the camera you want to apply DOF to, then go to the Camera tab and simply turn on the Depth of Field option and adjust Focal Distance and F/Stop to liking.

  • HI, thanks for the reply, i understand the dof on daz3d but i would like to easy the process ;) Is there any script (it sure exist since i see old thread here but link was dead and discussion closed.), that do something like octane autofocus when you click on the viewport object, or else that calculate or automate precisely the process of dof.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 2016

    Both Aim and Frame will set the focal distance to the selected item. Ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac)-f for Frame, ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac)-shift a for Aim.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    This is best tutoriall (maclean)  which I recommend to set DOF (easy and precisely)  on daz gives me a trick how to use Aim and Frame

    with Un-do option.

    you may need only check "Depth of Field" section ( you already know clear how camera work on DS)

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited December 2016

    Update/Edit: Rephrased several times to use more precise words.

    Both Aim and Frame will set the focal distance to the selected item. Ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac)-f for Frame, ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac)-shift a for Aim.

    I am having difficulties

    -  trying to make the shortcuts work.

    - the framing of the image gets destroyed when using those tools manually.

    As far as I understand it the suggested tools do what they are supposed to do:

    "aiming at"


    This is indeed explained in great detail in the maclean tutorial.

    But unfortunately that is not the same as

    "changing the focus point" without destroying the framing.

    - - -

    Test scene:

    - 1 figure

    - 1 background object

    Goal: Set focus on the iris of the left eye.

    - I first tried with the "Node Selection" tool and clicked on the left eye. This is not ideal because the center of the eye is selected and not the iris. But at least the focus point is close enough.

    - I then tried with the "Surface Selection" tool and clicked on the Irises. This is not an ideal choice because I want focus on the left eye only and not both surfaces.


    Issues encountered while testing this:

    1. The keyboard shortcuts are not working.

    -> Which DAZ Studio tool would you use to select the left eye before using Aim or Frame?


    2. When I try to select a surface and and frame and aim manually the previously set up viewport selection gets changed again.

    Node selection tool & frame:

    Surface selection tool & aim:


    -> How can you prevent to destroy the previous framing?


    - - -

    What users are looking for is a focus point selection tool that lets you click on a node without changing the framing of the picture that was allready setup before.


    Setting the camera focus to a scene object in the Octane Render plugin for DAZ Studio takes a second and does not destroy the image framing.

    I assume that is what tooning32_d7aab4aa88  asked for.

    - - -

    Iray 001 - Default Scene.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 197K
    Iray 003 - left eye framed with node selection tool.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 225K
    Iray 004 - Irises aimed at with surface selection tool.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 205K
    OctaneRender 001 - Autofocus tool v1002.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 239K
    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • After speding a few days rreserching this topis a few month ago, the best i was able to do is this.

    Dowload this script,

    This script requires a null object to make it work, so i created 2 null objects and parented them one to each eye ball of V7 (make sure they are at the exact position of the eye ball by moving the null object)

    i then created a custom action of the set fouc script and placed it on the menu bar next to create camera, etc...

    now when i'm in my scene and i want to focus on left eye i click on the null atached to the left eye and then click on the set focus button i created and camera is focused. 

    it would be nice if someone could modify this script to make it work with any seleced object.







  • You could put a null in the scene at the point you wish to be the centre of the view, and inside the thing you wish to be in focus, then Aim at that.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Aim/Frame don't care about surfaces...they work on the geometry, more specifically the origin for the selected geometry.  That's why when you select the eye, it's using the center of the eye you've selected.  And yes...for the surface selection tool, depending on the surface you are selecting you may not be selecting the geometry you think you are (using the eye for example...if you select the iris, there is no geometry for the iris, it's just a surface for the eye, so the origin of the eye is what will be used).  So it will use the origin of the actual geometry selection.  This is not a bug, but the way it is designed to work/limitation in design.

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited December 2016


    You could put a null in the scene at the point you wish to be the centre of the view, and inside the thing you wish to be in focus, then Aim at that.

    That is indeed a very creative way to solve the task of setting focus exactly at the point you want it.


    - "Framing" or "Aiming" at the null will still destroy the allready set framing of the image.

    - You have to consider the amount of time it takes to move around a null object in the scene just for the purpose of setting a focus point.

    If you do it just once a month this may even be fun. But if you are supposed to do this several times an hour it cannot be helped that you ask yourself:

    "Does it really have to be so complicated? The year 2016 is coming to an end and Iray was the default render engine since summer 2015. Would that not have been enough time to improve how customers work with Iray?"

    - - -

    Maybe a real life example will put into perspective what people are trying to do:

    How to take a picture with a mobile phone

    - Press the button to start the camera app

    - Point the phone in the direction you want to shoot

    - Click with your finger on the screen to mark where the focus is

    -> Now the camera app of the phone is able to detect the distance of the object you pointed at on the screen.

    Some more advanced camera apps are even able to detect a face, a smile or automatically focus on the eyes.

    - - -

    A mobile phone is a tool to communicate that as a side effect can also take some pictures.

    DAZ Studio is supposed to be a dedicated application to create images...

    - - -

    Do we need to file a feature request?


    Are  DAZ Studio developers aware that the current solutions to set focus are more time consuming than customers would expect?

    - - -

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • There is the Align pane to help with the null placement, but I was mainly pointing outt hat it is possible to get some of the requested functionallity already - it doesn't mean you can't make a feature request for the rest, though I would advise explaining how what you want goes beyond what can currently be done

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited December 2016

    Thank you.

    Side note:

     I am aware that you are just trying to help by pointing out how to work around the limitations. You have to do your job. But I also have to do mine.



    Submitted it as

    Request #233596

    "Set the camera focus to a scene object in two clicks

    DAZ Studio is missing the option to set the camera focus to a scene object with just two clicks:

    - click on focus tool
    - click on node of object in the scene to adjust the focus"

    The rest of the request is a summary of what was allready posted here.

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • Thanks all for suggestion, but i think Livanchene understand well what i was asking ;) Thanks

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2016

    I may hope to discribe here , maclean way as same as it was written. because we need to play without  requested auto focus , at current.

    • set Camera Frame  as you  intend to. 
    • locate  obj (cube) or null as target,   on the postion ,where you need to Focus. 
    • Select the target cube or null , then use "Aim at" . (it break your decided Frame but auto set Focal Distance to the target)
    • copy the value of auto set  Focal Distance.
    • un-do ,  then  return Frame which you intended  (it treturn  Focal distance value too)
    • paste the value  which you copied as Focal distance value of current Frame.

    Ah,,  I see,, ,,it still not  real Focal distance to the target. (though it aproximately auto set Focal distance)  I  need to count angle from camera to target of the flame. or need to locate target on the Frame direction line.

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • Anyone have this script Set Focal Distance By cwichura?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    If you are asking because it is no longer available then no one else can give you a copy (unless the readme allows redistribution).

  • You are right Richard, sorry about that.

  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042

    The link for the Set Focal Distance script got broken when Dropbox changed all their publically shared links.  I've updated my original forum post with the new link, but I'll drop it here as well:

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