I hope DAZ Studio 5 has better animation support

DAZ Studio has been version 4.something ever since I started using it, but recently I've been getting into animation and I've found quite a few things that annoy me about animating in DAZ Studio
- Need 3rd party plugins (Keymate / Graphmate / Animate) which don't always play nice with each other
- TCB propogates through adjacent keyframes. Given 3 TCB keyframes, referred to as A, B, and C in chronological order, the animation of BC will affect the animation of AB often leading to undesired wiggling movements.
- There's no way to set a keyframe on an object, all of its children, and their morphs. Keyframes in Keymate always miss things in Graphmate and vice-versa.
- No simple way to exclude objects from being animated (mostly for cameras and lights)
- No simple way to export single frames as new scenes
- No way to change cameras during a render
- No way to modify surface, shaping, visibility, or parenting during an animation.
- No indication of what kind of keyframe a particular keyframe is (TCB / Linear / Constant) in either Keymate or Graphmate
So I guess this is my feature request. I know there's other animation tools out there but I'd really rather stick with DAZ than trying to get all my content to work in some other program.
There's no way to set a keyframe on an object, all of its children, and their morphs
THIS, drives me nuts in D|S!!!
This may be possible if you use the group function and put them all under one group node and set keyframes on changes to that node ( I will have to investigate this myself )
Indeed quite annoying
Technically you can modify parenting with an aniMate constraint
Yes severely needed
I hope we do not have to wait for version 5 for this.
But even before solving these issues the Active Pose Tool and pinning system has to be fixed for Genesis 3 figures!
First and foremost Genesis 3 needs animation ready rig controls!
I am hoping for this as well. I think as the growing demand for animation continues---thanks to the advent of GPU rendering---Daz will eventually expand its animating capabilities.
I am also hoping to encourage this progress by releasing more animatable products of my own.
I am hoping to render an animation direct to video and have it come out without sparklies and a white border around the actors.
As I said at Renderosity, use an image format that suppots the alpha channelb (rendering to Image Sequence).
Maybe this script will help mcjMemorizeRestoreFigurePose
and there are even more scripts on this site for helping with animation in DazStudio like:
TexAnim for DS 3 & 4
MatAnim for DS 1, 2, 3, 4
SetInterpolation V 1.0 for DS 2,3,4
UnAnimate / ReAnimate DS 1,2,3,4
mcjPoseToPose DS 1,2,3,4
mcjSceneGraf for DS4.5
There is a workaround that I use often therefore use select children on a figure root node and click the plus sign - add keyframe - in the timeline pane.
Yes, a lot of 'workarounds' have been created to overcome the limitations of DAZ Studio's animation system. But I agree with the OP, a lot of this stuff should be built-in to DS, not have to be scripted. @mcasual made those scripts because of the animation he does in DS, that DS made painfully difficult to do manually....even with the Animate2/Keymate/Graphmate plugins.
If there would just be a simple IK terminator option to terminate IK chains at hip and collar's and possibly disable IK on some bones not just on/off for the entire character would be a huge improvement.
it needs tracking badly
cannot track anything with a bone on a rigged figure like feet tracking pedals on a bike, holding hands, etc like I can in most other software with IK rigged figures.
This presumes that the next version is version 5.0.
Actually, using the pose tool and pinning does work pretty well; granted if I pin it, I NEVER want what I've pinned (the clue is in the name imo) to move, but pinning does help a considerable amount.
@ hphoenix
I agree with that after some time I bought all three of them I realised that DazStudio is still very limited in animation and this is as far as it goes in this department.
We have may options to pose the figures but DS isnt that focused on doing animations. You still can use BHV motion captures or animation from other professional animation software if you manage to retarget the genesis rig there - and I think you dont neccesarly need to have the same weightmaps on the figure in external animation software to create the motion you want to see in DS.
Maybe someone is intrested in doing mocap at home with DS and:
Yes pinning is a geat method for making poses but dont forget to unpin all. This creates a temporary IK-chain I think. So I use it for example hand positioning - therfore I pin the chest or the collar bone and translate the hand as the IK-chain goal with the universal tool set to Use World Coordinates. But this system is weak and can easily freak out. Try for example pin the collar and the hand bone and pose the shoulder bone in between. The pins loosing theyr positions quet easily and showing this doted line if the IK-chain solver cant handle the pose anymore.
I once tryed to pose my figure with the limb bones pointing at some null-targets to as a workaraound for the IK-chain solver. For example I used the Point At fuction on the shoulder bone to point at the null-target so I tranfer the null to let the arm reach in this direction. Imagine this like the strings of a puppet player. Unfortunately also the Point At funktion is very limited and you cant animate the strength/influence that I think the parameter value of 1 - behind the target node - should be. Lately I even encountered that DS simply crashes sometimes if I change the target node of Point At.
Imagine we could have a modifier stack in DazStudio like Blender does have.
So I think of having a pane with all the fit-to, smothing modifier, Sub Division, DFormer in one clearly visible and organized interface and also have a section for rigging modifiers where we can setup the IK-chains, PointAt, Animatable Constraints and also add support for third party modifiers as plugins - so we can have all the clever scripts like the ones mcasual does loaded in and use them with live preview on the viewport or maybe bake the animaton keyframes to a aniMate block to reuse it later and do a second keyframe block bake to add on top.
I hope some developers may think of this logical concept to clean up the user interface and the modifier system that are all historicaly added somewhere.
+1 for a beefier DAZ Studios 5. Would be awesome if animation was user friendly.
I hope, they repair the huge number of existing bugs first!
- Agreed - no way to keyframe textures & visability. We should be able to keyframe all properties including textures/texture maps.
- The type of keyframe interpolation can be seen by expanding the items property in the keyMate timeline. You can also set different interpolations on individual objects and body parts.
This is a big annoyance. There should be an option on scene subset/scene menu to save all frames or just current frame, or a range of frames.
just diccovered that you cannot animate camera options like DoF and focal length
Indeed it does help and at least it is switchable ,meaning one can pin & unpin at any point without completely destroying the ENTIRE animation as happens when you try to turn IK off/on in poser.
I have noticed that the Daz pins are not saved with a the scene
and when I re-open a saved scene that had pins they have all been realeased requiring me to re-pin them.
You can save single frames or a range of frames as a pose preset and apply them to a different scene.
Well it's been a few months since I've had a DAZ Studio beta available. The last one was so maybe they are marshalling their SW development for D|S 5
or 4.10.
It is interesting that things are quiet. :)
Just have to wait till next month in June, Cant wait to see what all the new features are :D
You can always watch the Change Log to see what's being worked on: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/change_log
Hmm... the changelog shows them at as of 5/1, with most of what I saw being SDK/Scripting API updates and documentation updates for them. A few auto-fit and Transfer Utility fixes.
The change log gets added to every single week...
Yeh lot of fixes it seems. Log file size increased I notice. Oh and an update to IRAY. Wonder if that will add anything and what if it does.
Hmmm...still not very busy but I suppose the really new features are private private. I really like the scripting API updates and the seeming integration of Autofir to use with Transfer Utility.
The hard-coded default setting for interpolation mode has to go! When using the timeline as a photo-shoot (rather than as a video) I never want the engine to interpolate but it's an ongoing (and often losing) battle to get prior frames to stay unchanged when working on later ones.
We should have "policy" settings inside each scene/project which would include: Default Interpolation Mode which I would set to Constant and expect that all that wiggling would JUST STOP HAPPENING.
Probably there are other nuisances that should be addressed by additional policy settings? ...
Would love to see more animation tools for DS.
For now, importing BVH, saving to aniblock, then importing into Carrara is working for me.
After stuggling with DS animation for couple of years I recently discovered Carrara which provides great animation tools built in...wish I had disovered it sooner.