Who Are the Men of Character???

Back in the old forums MotoTsume was kind enough to list the faces he recognized from Men of Character:
Anthony -> Anthony Quinn
Antonio -> Antonio Banderes
Brendan -> Brendan Fraser
Daniel -> Daniel Craig
Dennis -> Dennis Hopper
Djimon -> Djimon Hounsou
Ian -> Ian McKellen
Marlon -> Marlon Brando
Robert -> Robert Redford
Sean -> Sean Connery
Vigo -> Vigo Mortenssen
Now Men of Character II is out! Of course I snapped it up, but I'm neither culturally savy nor good at facial recognition -- do any of these strongly resemble any well-known faces?
I just took a quick look, (don't have the product yet) but one head looked like Robert Englund(sp?) (aka Freddy from the original Nightmare on Elm Street movies.)
There are a couple of other faces in the promos that trigger the "I know that face" reaction, but I can't put names with them.
From the first promo pic, I can see Ewan McGregor and I think Lenny Kravitz. Glad to see this in the store.
I haven't bought these yet... but I was wondering... I have M5... would I need to set M5 slider to 1 before I play with these dials or all you need is to have M5 and you can use these dials directly.
You dial the M5 slider to 100. However, you can dial to a percentage, add in another, like David, as a percentage, even females or creatures and get some interesting variations. You can also mix the MOC faces themselves with each other and others in varying percentages.
As to who the Men of Character are based on....hmmmm....well, I'll reveal a few. Mainly cuz I use inspiration and am not trying to recreate. I go for the flavor of the face and what appeals to me. I have tried to do faces that were interesting and not just handsome. Robert is actually inspired by Robert Carlyle, but has tones of Robert Englund. Liam has the profile of the actor Liam Neeson who has such a wonderful nose. Don was inspired by Don Cheadle. I'll let you guys guess some of the rest. I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enoyed making them. I have more morphs for the men coming; am presently working on a set for V5.
Thanks, everyone.
Men of character for V5 or women of character for V5?
Each product will have it's own name, probably not Women of Character. :) Haven't decided yet.
Every time I see a reference to these products I can't help but get the Bud Light 'Real Men of Genius' tune stuck in my head.
Just wondering: is Men of Character II supposed to have a metadata file? One didn't show up in my downloads, and it's not possible to tell from the product page if there's supposed to be one, so I just wanted to make sure.
Meta data is also built into the installer so that extra file isn't important.
...then what on earth is that extra file for? Or is that a new development with the new store? (In which case ... what is that extra file for?)
Just in case the metadata get updated you don't have to re-install the whole product.
If the set is just morph dials with no presets, then there will be no metadata -- the morph dials are all available at startup and there's nothing in the Content Library to require metadata.
And Don Cheadle played War Machine in IronMan2 and is gonna do it again in IronMan3. So . . .
War Machine - Target Acquired