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I had a mad moment Jade, and spent around $300 here, there and I cannot be bothered to load em all :lol:
Welcome to the I will never get it all installed club. I've been a member for years now. :-P
Welcome to the I will never get it all installed club. I've been a member for years now. :-P
ROFL.............Jade, I don't know why I do it......I always end up using the same old stuff :lol:
Not installed, heck I have stuff I haven't even downloaded yet. Tell me again why I bought it.
I'm a little bit of both of you. I go nutty and buy loads at one time, I then download MOST of it and only play with (Install) one or two items. Then I check my Itemized Order History and find Stuff in it I dont have anywhere. I just got Colors for Meg hair that was sitting in my account for 6 months. Then I never use anything but the same old stuff over and over. Why did I buy it? Not one clue.
The RRRR contest in the Plat Club helps me some. I hit items I've never installed and others I never downloaded. It helps me get stuff I forgot I had and I also get to see what they can be used for. :cheese:
Thank you my friend, I think your mood renders are brilliant, in fact the "chair and barbed wire" one is awesome. :coolsmile:
thank you :)
well it is inspired by the "saw" movies :) it is a "saw" trap if you will. Imgine yourself waking up sitting in this chair, your feet bare, probably your body naked, your hands tied up at your back and your eyes blindfolded, the voice you hear gives you the task to leave within a few minutes or when the time has expired a horde of hungry rats will attack you :) man this is a sooooo bad trap :red:
Awesome work! I think I saw mention earlier in the thread that you use Reality? I've been seriously thinking of getting it when my cheque comes in at the end of the month.
To give it me? :lol:
Funny you should say that many times have I heard myself exclaim, "where did that come from"?:lol:
thank you :)
well it is inspired by the "saw" movies :) it is a "saw" trap if you will. Imgine yourself waking up sitting in this chair, your feet bare, probably your body naked, your hands tied up at your back and your eyes blindfolded, the voice you hear gives you the task to leave within a few minutes or when the time has expired a horde of hungry rats will attack you :) man this is a sooooo bad trap :red:
I didn' t say it............but, SAW was exactly what I had in mind for that image.... ;-)
Thank you Fobok, yes I do use Reality but, what you see here recently is all made in Daz using 3D Delight..........I am practising with the lighting all time. Its so annoying, you only need to move one light slighty and your whole image goes...bish-bash-bosh!! :ohh:
That bloody Gun Girl image is really annoying me now!!!! :shut:
I think perhaps the space is to close around her or something. But it only really hits someone if they look at it to try and see what you see as wrong.
Yes, your right Khory...............its the shadow perspective that makes her look far to big for scenery props! :shut:
I will rearrange things this week-end. ;-P
Quite a varied selection of stuff here, you certainly like exploring techniques and subject matter!
If I had to choose a favourite so far, I think I'd have to choose the black and white one called "Slave" because I like the attitude in it.
Another one I like is the one of the autumn trees, nice work on the look and colours which dare I say even reminds me of the painter, "Turner".
I am trying to develop my own style, but I am a bit like demented moth......I flit from one thing to another! :lol:
Turner.................I actually thought that myself, but I bet I couldn't raise a dime from that image. :coolgrin:
To give it me? :lol:
I have a nice 2nd hand Sheep model going cheap (makes a change from bleating). Only used a couple of hundred times.
I have a nice 2nd hand Sheep model going cheap (makes a change from bleating). Only used a couple of hundred times.
Ah! sheep..................The National Animal of Ystrad. :lol:
I wonder why they call em wooly jumpers......................anyway Cho, I will take it of your hands, is it fully inoculated? :ohh:
I have a nice 2nd hand Sheep model going cheap (makes a change from bleating). Only used a couple of hundred times.
Ah! sheep..................The National Animal of Ystrad. :lol:
I wonder why they call em wooly jumpers......................anyway Cho, I will take it of your hands, is it fully inoculated? :ohh:
inoculated..........that's a big word for a poor valleys girl, ......sounds painful. Is it something they do to female sheep, like what they do to male sheep when they remove their kn****** ah, never mind :red:
I'm amazed you don't know what inoculated means, especially if you're a village girl, you never had your dog inoculated?
It's to protect them from diseases and illness!
The other thing you mentioned (removal of unmentionables), is called doctoring I think. Didn't work on our dog though, a week or so later he was just as much a leg-lover as he was before the snip!
ROFL....................Cho, comes from the Valleys [Wales].............They are special kind of people, they have no electricity, or running water in their homes, and their God lives in a great big coal mine under the Rhondda. But, they will give you the shirt of their backs if they take a liking to you. If they dislike you, then you had better look out. Valley girls would never even have seen a syringe let alone heard of the word inoculation..........they are Celtic warriors women, and they never get ill.
I should know I am married to a Celt myself......she had never even seen a train until I took her on a day out in one......she thought it was an Iron God that lived in a tunnel and ate people as it passed them by. ;-)
ROFL!!! :-P I will not touch that with a three foot club. Chohole might. :gulp:
LOL Kylumi, ac mae rhai pobl yn cael unrhyw gwerthfawrogiad o synnwyr digrifwch Gymraeg ychwaith.
LOL Kylumi, ac mae rhai pobl yn cael unrhyw gwerthfawrogiad o synnwyr digrifwch Gymraeg ychwaith.
ROFL....... ei bod yn ddoniol iawn :lol:
ROFL....... ei bod yn ddoniol iawn :lol:
Yr wyf yn falch ydych yn ei hoffi. Mae hi'n dweud ei chlwb chwifio o gwmpas
That's no excuse, Pam was a business woman at one time and she didn't travel by animal either, she used to have a classic Rover!
Not only that, Wales isn't that large so it can't be too remote.
That's no excuse, Pam was a business woman at one time and she didn't travel by animal either, she used to have a classic Rover!
Not only that, Wales isn't that large so it can't be too remote.
Would y'all leave Pam alone? She is a good ol' Rebel at heart and knows more about us Johnny Reb's than I do, and I was born one.
P.S. Okay I did not get the Joke, I knew it was a joke, and I know how to use a translator. US's Valley Girls are totaly different animals.
Would y'all leave Pam alone? She is a good ol' Rebel at heart and knows more about us Johnny Reb's than I do, and I was born one.
P.S. Okay I did not get the Joke, I knew it was a joke, and I know how to use a translator. US's Valley Girls are totaly different animals.Yeah but Pam is not the defenseless old lady you might think. She has a club and she uses it, hell, she's used it on me enough times.
In fact I'd better shut up or she'll use it again, I think she likes punishing me.
As for Valley Girls, I've not ever knowingly met a Valley Girl, are they like Peasant Girls?
Belive you me, I know Pam pretty well. Club and all.
Which valley girls? UK or the US version, the US version comes from Cali-For-Ni-A, are all uppity snobs and say stuff like Totaly and Fer Sure a lot. I'm guessing those are not the ones your wondering about.
Welsh Valley girls, The saying goes, you can take take thegirl out of the valleys but you can't take the valleys out of the girl.
To be born in Wales,
Not with a silver spoon in your mouth,
But, with music in your blood
And with poetry in your soul,
Is a privilege indeed. first verse of a poem Won't post it all, because I have derailed Kylumi's thread enough. But the whole poem Jaderail, does show what the Welsh spirit is.
It sounds like your US Valley Girls are similar to posh women in the UK, they say stuff like that as well. But no, they're not at all like Peasant Girls. I used to have a thread full of Peasant Girls and none of them ever acted like that. There was a lot of disobedience, but nothing I couldn't handle if needs be, as I often did.