Owned content not showing in DIM?

I have seen several items I know I own that don't appear in the DIM. An obvious example is the Alchemy Chasm. How do I make it show as purchased in the store, and listed in DIM?


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    Did you actually purchase the product (does it show as "Purchased" when you go to the store page here http://www.daz3d.com/the-alchemy-chasm ?)

    If not, then the version you are using is from Genesis Starter Essentials (which included it as an environemnt prop).

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,320
    edited January 2017

    If its a newer pack it should show in DIM. Not all older products have been converted i believe. How long ago did you purchase the products? Also check and see what your settings are in DIM to see if it is hiding them.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • RLSprouseRLSprouse Posts: 288

    In this case, yes, it was in the Genesis Starter Essentials. I guess it can't be marked as purchased, or listed in the DIM?


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    No - the five Starter Essentials packs (Genesis, G2F, G2M, G3F, G3M) come with lots of content which are complete or partial versions of products sold in the store, but none of these show up as purchased, so you can't download the individual parts through DIM.

    Which other items are you expecting to see in DIM but are not seeing?

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