Go back to 4.8

Im over the constant crashing and wierd stuff happening with 4.9. Is there a way to go back to 4.8. I dont use iray so I dont care about that or the whole smart content thingy, I just want stability.


  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Only if you saved your 4.8 installers can you go back to that version. Daz doesn't believe in keeping anything but the "latest and greatest" copy of Daz Studio on its servers. (Yes, I am annoyed by that, not every system can run the same software so having access to a previous version if one should need it is a thing that seems logical to me. Not so to whomever makes these decisions, it would seem.)

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Yup... before you update, always

    1. keep a copy of the DAZ installer ofthe DAZ version of your choice
    2. keep a copy of the installers for the plugins for that particular version (as later versions of the plugins will not work with the older DAZ version!)
    3. make a backup of your database.

    That way, at least you can roll back in case the new version doesn't work out for you.


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191
    Byrdie said:

    Only if you saved your 4.8 installers can you go back to that version. Daz doesn't believe in keeping anything but the "latest and greatest" copy of Daz Studio on its servers. (Yes, I am annoyed by that, not every system can run the same software so having access to a previous version if one should need it is a thing that seems logical to me. Not so to whomever makes these decisions, it would seem.)

    The DAZ development staff is small - and having multiple versions of Studio available would complicate support, cause issues with DIM, and confuse new customers. We still see the occasional complaint in the forums that something doesn't work correctly in 4.8 - that has been fixed in 4.9.


    So - like BeeMKay says - grab the installers for the current version when DAZ starts providing beta release candidates. Either copy the DIM installers (all of them - studio and ALL plugins) to an archive location or download the stand-alone installers from your product library. The stand-alone installers get replaced when the release candidate goes live as the new release and the update shows up in DIM.

    So - what kind of crashing and what weird stuff?

  • Well, theres this:


    and today, I just loaded a scene that I was working on a couple of days ago, and as soon as I clicked the view window, it crashed

    This computer is new. My brother got it new this past july, I got it in september and it was wiped clean, and everything is a fresh install, but crash crash crash!!!!!

    Other than my old computer being 6 years old before it died, daz NEVER crashed, sure it was slow, but hey, it workd.

    this new daz is just silly

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    namffuak said:
    ... - grab the installers for the current version when DAZ starts providing beta release candidates. Either copy the DIM installers (all of them - studio and ALL plugins) to an archive location or download the stand-alone installers from your product library.

    What are those installers? Filenames please.
    Where're they located on my HD?

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191
    AndyS said:
    namffuak said:
    ... - grab the installers for the current version when DAZ starts providing beta release candidates. Either copy the DIM installers (all of them - studio and ALL plugins) to an archive location or download the stand-alone installers from your product library.

    What are those installers? Filenames please.
    Where're they located on my HD?

    If you're talking about the DIM installers - they'll be in your DIM download directory, wherever you set it (and if you've already downloaded the Studio updates, you've overwritten them unless you have a separate backup).

    All the IM00013176-xx files, IM00013173-xx (GOZ plugin),  IM00016684-xx (meassure metrics), IM00009032-xx (Dynamic Clothing Control), IM00006952-xx (Photoshop Bridge) - I think that's the lot. I do the stand-alone installers, TBH.


  • Well, before you start looking for 4.8, it sounds like you used 4.8 on the old computer and 4.9 on the new and it crash all the time on the new computer, so if you have never used 4.8 on the new computer you don't know for a fact that it would help using it or that it actually is DS that is crashing.

    The crashes might as well be because of a funky video driver on your computer or something, have you had a peek at the logfiles to see if there is something in common when it crash ? it's not all sure that the crashes are DS fault.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    In addition to trying 4.8 on the new computer for a while, it would also be of value to use a memory diagnostic tool (memtest is one, I may be out of date) to verify your new memory is good.  I have had brand new memory with errors as well as memory that worked fine for years then developed errors, that can cause crashes.  I have also had to skip some video related installers provided by microsoft, try getting the latest from your graphics card company (nvidia, etc.).  I've also had a few nvidia drivers cause issues, and had to either go back to the previous saved version and then wait and skip ahead to the next version when it became available, bypassing the problematic version.

  • sriesch said:

    I've also had a few nvidia drivers cause issues, and had to either go back to the previous saved version and then wait and skip ahead to the next version when it became available, bypassing the problematic version.


    There is a potential, depending on which drivers have been installed/updated and the sequence they were installed/updated in, to have latent files still sitting around from one of the installs/updates that are causing issues. Sometimes the only way to know/fix is to uninstall the current driver. Restart the machine; so that it is running on the minimal OS driver. Remove said latent files. Install the latest drivers from the manufacturer. Restart the machine.

  • edited January 2017


    The crashes might as well be because of a funky video driver on your computer or something, have you had a peek at the logfiles to see if there is something in common when it crash ? it's not all sure that the crashes are DS fault.


    Heres what I have. Not sure what I would be looking for driver wize and I wouldnt know what too look for in a log file. 

    Screen Shot 2017-01-11 at 5.35.03 PM.png
    426 x 313 - 35K
    Post edited by sydneyk.andrews_48ae5ebd06 on

    The crashes might as well be because of a funky video driver on your computer or something, have you had a peek at the logfiles to see if there is something in common when it crash ? it's not all sure that the crashes are DS fault.


    Heres what I have. Not sure what I would be looking for driver wize and I wouldnt know what too look for in a log file. 

    offtopic, but you should never post your mac serial number.



  • edited January 2017


    The crashes might as well be because of a funky video driver on your computer or something, have you had a peek at the logfiles to see if there is something in common when it crash ? it's not all sure that the crashes are DS fault.


    Heres what I have. Not sure what I would be looking for driver wize and I wouldnt know what too look for in a log file. 

    offtopic, but you should never post your mac serial number.



    Oh great, does that mean someone's gonna be able to steal our stuff?

    this is getting better and better......

    Post edited by sydneyk.andrews_48ae5ebd06 on
  • mikekmikek Posts: 195
    namffuak said:

    We still see the occasional complaint in the forums that something doesn't work correctly in 4.8 - that has been fixed in 4.9.

    But the reason for seeing complaints about 4.8 problems isn't because they downloaded an old daz version from the server. Its rather because they didn't update. For me the concern is if I possible can't go back why should I even take the risk of updating to a new version? With daz I only update if there are serious changes I really need otherwise I prefer to not update as I might not be able to go back.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    mikek said:

    For me the concern is if I possible can't go back why should I even take the risk of updating to a new version? With daz I only update if there are serious changes I really need otherwise I prefer to not update as I might not be able to go back.

    If you have a copy of 4.8 saved, and you know how to back up your database and any other settings (and have done it before and know you know how), then yes, you can install 4.9 and test it out and if you change your mind, you can uninstall it, reset the database, and reinstall 4.8.   

    However, anything you create with 4.9 presumably may not work in 4.8, thus you do this only to test whether 4.9 works for you, you would not actually use it for a while then revert back.  You wouldn't want to overwrite any of your saved 4.8 scenes, do any new work you need to save, and database changes would be lost when you deleted the database prior to going back to the old one.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    mikek said:
    namffuak said:

    We still see the occasional complaint in the forums that something doesn't work correctly in 4.8 - that has been fixed in 4.9.

    But the reason for seeing complaints about 4.8 problems isn't because they downloaded an old daz version from the server. Its rather because they didn't update. For me the concern is if I possible can't go back why should I even take the risk of updating to a new version? With daz I only update if there are serious changes I really need otherwise I prefer to not update as I might not be able to go back.

    I use the DAZ Studio Beta next to the 4.8 main version, as I still have a lot of stuff that I prefer doing on the older version. So I can use both, old and new version side by side, and really have the best of both worlds, so to speak.

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