Iray Clip light and Section Planes

CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
edited January 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

Okay, I was trying to use some iray section planes to break up a scene so that I could pose a large number of figures in a few smaller groups.  The probelem I'm running into is that the individual pieces don't match ilumination wise.  Now, if I understand this correctly, when Clip Lights is switched to "OFF", the lights should continue to behave as they would if the section plane wasn't there, correct?  But what I'm finding instead is that, no matter how I switch the clip lights, on or off, the illumination of the separately rendered parts of the image simply doesn't match.  My guess is that part of the problem is that the product that I'm attempting to split, First Bastion's 1st Atrium, uses a lot of mesh lights that are part of the actual set, and the light sources on the items that the section plane aren't coming through as they've actually been cut out of the scene by the plane.  Has anyone any experience with making this work...?  

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  • Clip lights off will allow light that would have been blocked by the clipped geoemtry to shine as if it wasn't there. I'm not sure about the effect of clipping on emissive surfaces, but try with lights set to clip.

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