How to properly save Control Properties?

Hello there guys!

I have created a slider (control property) for a body morph that is a mixture of morphs from the G3F Body Morphs pack.

How should I properly save this slider?

Do I save it as a Support Asset -> Morph Asset even though it's just a controller dialing in the morphs from the morph pack and there are no custom morphs ?



  • Yes, save as morph asset. It may be wise to look in the property Hierarchy pane and make sure that the ERC links are set to save with the controller, not the morphs it is driving.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Thank you Richard. How exactly can I tell by looking at the controlle in property hiearchy that the ERC links are set and not the morphs?

  • If you expand the options under the controller name to show its sub-components one of them should be save with

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Upon expanding the FBM's and PBM's, in their attributes it says Save With: "name of my controller", Type: ERC [Delta-Add], is that what I'm looking for? : )

  • Yes, that's it - and the desired setting here.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Thanks a lot! Think I saved it properly : ))

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