Ironman: Left handed archery in Epic Archery Collection

Dear Ironman,

The Epic Archery Collection is awesome. So glad to have bought it.

One problem though. All the poses are for left handed archers (technically left-eyed archers). All poses have the bow in the right hand. Most archers hold the bow in the left hand. The right hand holds the string. As a quick workaround, Edit->Figure->Symmetry... with appropriate setting will reverse the entire pose. But the bow and arrow won't swap hands with this. Is there an easy way to reverse the poses so the bow and arrow are on reversed sides?



  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Pose Builder for G3 should do that. I know I've mirrored poses before successfully with that. It'll also let you combine all kinds of poses together and make new ones. Very nice script.

  • Thanks. Will Pose Builder swap the bow and arrow as well?

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,493

    On a side not I think I am technically left eye/ handed but st the time I began shooting compound bows, only right handed models were available. In Japanese archery for instance approaching it left handed is not allowed. 



  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Thanks. Will Pose Builder swap the bow and arrow as well?

    I'm not sure- you might have to manually parent it to the other hand. I'll see if I can find a weapon pose to test it on over the weekend.

  • Thanks for giving it a try. Really appreciate that. I have looked at Pose Builder in the past. Pose Converter from the same author works pretty well.

  • @Greybro, Interesting. US and UK archery instructors assess the dominant eye as the very first step in learning the sport. It is felt key to success. And yet, Japanese archers are legendary.

    Japanese Kyudo is an ancient sport. The Sky-draw and floating anchor point are beautiful to watch, but no international target archer on the planet uses that technique. Exact repetition of position without an anchor point is supremely difficult. Kyudo takes nearly superhuman concentration and practice. The practitioners are amazing. It is an art.

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