I'm about to go win 10 on my win 7 box. What to expect?

I'm upgrading  from Win 7 to Win 10. Anyone using DS 4.8 and Reality 2.5, Lux Render 1.3, etc? and what have you found if anything I might want to be aware of?


thank you.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    4.8 works without a problem with Win 10. REality also seems to work without a hitch.

    But what I can only recommend is, make backups. Oh, and also, Win 10 will start updates whenever it pleases, so if you have a render cooking overnight, you might find that the system has rebooted at some point.

    Win 10 is a pain in the rear end.

  • ConnaticConnatic Posts: 282
    BeeMKay said:

     Win 10 will start updates whenever it pleases, so if you have a render cooking overnight, you might find that the system has rebooted at some point.

    Win 10 is a pain in the rear end.

    There is a way to trick win10 into not performing auto-updates.  You must describe your internet connection as "metered".  Then you have enabled the ability to chose when you wish to install updates.

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885

    My desktop is always on, pretty stable, I always decide when to apply updates. Everything runs smoothly, even software from the XP era...

  • FossilFossil Posts: 166

    Noooooooo!  Please...I beg you....stay with Win7.  Win 10 is evil and tracks your every move and reports them to the big giant head and will make your pee-pee shrivel and fall off and other horribleness.  There is no reason whatsoever to abandon Win 7.  A recent poll by a leading gaming/PC geek magazine found that over 80% of gamers and general geeks still use Win 7 64 bit.  If you work for a large company, visit the IT department and talk to them about Win10.  They'll shrink back in horror over any mantion of it.  Win 7 is robust, stable and just plain works.  Win 10 is designed to do only one thing, make more money for Microshaft.  Save yourself money and headaches and get off the MS upgrade bandwagon.  You might even look at Linux, Daz works pretty good on it.

  • I know Win10 is shiney new but it has too much big brother. I don't like MS having too much control of my computer. MS is acting like hackers, they want to know everything that you are doing on your computer and they want to tell me when to install upgrades. If MS keep this up I will completly switch over to linux permantly. On a side note Wine 2.0 is now able to use 64bit software. As soon as Wine can run my Daz studio and the other 3D software I own I will switch over to Linux. I will not give over control of my computer for ease of use. There is a windows clone OS out there called ReactOS but the people coding it are not looking to make money so it is stalled software like GIMP. I wish these people would charge something for the software so more developers would get involved. Opensource developers are a bunch of headstrong meat heads who mean well, but we all know that to get serious fulltime programming done, the programmer needs to keep a roof over their heads and food in the fridge. This part time coding when I have time for it, just does not cut it.

    Opensource is not free you need to pay developers for it !!!!

  • SamanthieSamanthie Posts: 308

    I agree with Fossil. I have win7 and upgraded to 8.1 then 10. With 10 Daz Studio 4.7 stopped working as well as my printer. Both of those could not be upgraded because neither Microsoft nor HP provided updates for the drivers. It was an open GL error for Daz and the program could not be run.  I don't know what took me so long to do a reformat maybe didn't realize I could do that on this notebook but I am so glad I did. I'm back on win 7. I've upgraded Daz 4.7 to 4.9 now and everything is working. Windows 7 is stable and has many good reviews for an older format. If you really want to try out 10 you can and then go back to 7 within 30 days. If you wait too long you can't without a reformat.

  • oomuoomu Posts: 175

    DAZ 4.9 and 3dlight/iray rendering (or even iray server) works with win10. DIM and all content stuff works like with win7.

    What you need to check with win10 is updates: by default, it will force update whatever the system decides it's time to do that reaaaally important update. By default, in some circonstance, win10 will display a HUGE notice, will wait a little and then will kill all software and reboot. Whatever you have a rendering or not running. You can block that but it's really annoying how much win10 will scream to you to do update.

    Of course, you will need to check drivers. For daz, nvidia or amd has of course great support for win10. it's not a problem.

    Windows 10 is really agressive with telemetrics and diverse information it sends to Microsoft or remote services like sharing (in encrypted format) known wifi password to your whatever friends. All theses stuff can be stopped or blocked with some hacks if needed. You just need to check that if it makes you unconfortable. 

    Beyond wanting to use the new feature or interface of windows 10, I see no rush to update from win7 or 8.1. I noticed _NO_ win in rendering time.

    It's all the issues I can think about windows 10 for a daz rendering PC.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,251

    thanks to everyone who responded.

    Apparently MS dropped the 30 day option to invoke the Omega 13 option down to 10 days, I think I was at 9. I had no idea 10 was a reenforcement of all things Vista and I'm done with it :(


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955

    You may have to uninstall then reinstall some software.


    My mother upgraded from W7 to W10 and had to reinstall Firefox as she was not getting any sound in videos from any site.  After reinstalling it all worked perfectly.


    You may also want to install Classicshell - http://www.classicshell.net/ - I use it and its great.


  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,870

    If you are going to go with Windows 10 I highly recommend installing it fresh. You will save yourself a lot of headaches that way down the road.

  • Don't go to quick install on win10. Go slowley and carefully through the install settings. Windows10 is gathering a lot of personal information. If you go step by step you can make custom allowence or rejections to each point.

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