Change color scheme in Daz Sudio

edited February 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi all; Is there a way to change the colors (skin) in DS? What I mean is maybe change the grey background to black..with foreground  menu items to white? As I mentioned before I can not see in my left eye so grey on light grey just sort of blurs together. I am trying to learn DS, but my first step of course, is to be able to see it. My left eye is like 20/400.. I am suppose to get eye surgery late march for these dang cateracts,,but who knows if that will work. Not looking for pity here, just a little guidance to do it on my own :o)

Post edited by michaelxm_a1dddd836b on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    There's a theme called "darkside" for DS with a dark background. You can select it via the Window > Style menu.

  • edited February 2017

    Hi Leana, I looked there, but no darkstyle. unless of course I just could not see it.. But it does have an option to customize..and so I used it and got it the way I was looking for. Thank you  very much for telling me about that option:o) 

    Post edited by michaelxm_a1dddd836b on
  • Window>Style>Select Style - though Darkside is now the default. Which version of DS are you uisng? Help>About Daz Studio.

  • Hi Richard, I have the latest version. Thanks to Leana steering me the right direction I discovered I could create it anyway I wanted for color scheme.. Now I can finally read it with ease, and start learning :o) 

  • Perhaps one of you fine Artists should create some Dos-looking theme and thank you Richard Haseltine for steering me to the Window Style tab. I customized mine. 
    ​Guess the priority and purpose of Daz3D is to create something other than a comfortable program. Like Michael XM, my eyesight is quite poor and failing. A matter of time before catarac wins But nevertheless, my colors are bright with the font and bullets under the guise of Mainstreet. cool

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