Seeking noise-free renders in Iray

This discussion was created from comments split from: Tips & Tricks for Iray for newbies.......


  • SarethSareth Posts: 16

    Hey Guys can you explain me how to setup render settings to get best render quality in daz studio [iray]
    Last night I render one of my pic , 2560X1440 resolution, max samples 15000, max time 35000 with HDRI map plus 2 spot lights and 2 mesh lights, after 9h of rendering whole scene is full of noise, how to get rid of it?

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,748
    Sareth said:

    Hey Guys can you explain me how to setup render settings to get best render quality in daz studio [iray]
    Last night I render one of my pic , 2560X1440 resolution, max samples 15000, max time 35000 with HDRI map plus 2 spot lights and 2 mesh lights, after 9h of rendering whole scene is full of noise, how to get rid of it?

    I wish I could help. I don't know much about Iray render settings. I have seen a few other people bring up the issue of grainyness or noise though, so I'm sure there are people who have an idea on how to fix that.

  • Split to its own thread.

    What is in the scene? if it's an enclosed room the HDRI will be doing very little, if anything, and if the spotlights are unevenly placed for a high contrast between light and shade it will take a long time for the image to converge.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    Sareth said:

    Hey Guys can you explain me how to setup render settings to get best render quality in daz studio [iray]
    Last night I render one of my pic , 2560X1440 resolution, max samples 15000, max time 35000 with HDRI map plus 2 spot lights and 2 mesh lights, after 9h of rendering whole scene is full of noise, how to get rid of it?


    Have you set the render quality settings to 99,9%, or left it off?

    In addition, what's in your scene outside of the light? Anything that will eat render time?

  • Sareth said:

    Last night I render one of my pic , 2560X1440 resolution, max samples 15000, max time 35000 with HDRI map plus 2 spot lights and 2 mesh lights, after 9h of rendering whole scene is full of noise, how to get rid of it?

    Render quality doesn't always depend on the "right" render settings — just as often it's because of the lighting setup or the materials settings; usually a combination of all three. Of course, this means every scene is different, so there is no such thing as a One True Way™ to improve render quality.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    "no such thing as a One True Way"

    I agree with that completely, Kitty, but it seems to be a bitter pill for many. I would offer a sort of corollary to that, though - there are A Great Multitude of Wrong Ways. And doing one thing wrong can fubar the render. I wonder if a list of "not to do's" for Iray might be easier than the other way around.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    edited February 2017

    Understanding why pixels are left unconverged over time goes a long way into thinking about methods to improve the speed.

    The greatest problem is not enough ray paths into areas of indirect light. Iray has some "helpers" to get around this -- the Architectural sampler, for example -- but any way you cut it, if the virtual photons don't bounce into an area of the scene, there are fewer ray hits on any given pixel there, and so the slower the convergence. Convergence is brought about by iterative samples to the same pixel. So either you need more samples to the pixels by increasing render time, or you need to bring up the direct light into those shadow areas so you don't need as many iterations.

    How this problem is resolved depends largely on the visual effect you're after. You can add some lights to the scene to get more ray paths into the indirectly lit areas -- e.g. "kickers." But that might affect the look you're going after. In many, but not all, cases you can compensate by altering the ratios of the lights, and then adjusting the tone mapping to get that dark and brooding appearance you want. 

    A problem with any "don't list" is that if it's followed too strictly, it leaves quite a bit of artistic expression on the cutting room floor. It's better to figure out why Iray isn't getting the samples it needs to converge the pixels in the scene, and then look for creative ways to do that, while still achieving your artistic goals.

    Post edited by Tobor on
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