Scene will render on Mac but won't save to QT -Resolved

starboardstarboard Posts: 452
edited February 2017 in Carrara Discussion

I have a Mac Mini. OS 10.11.6/ 16 GB ram/ 2.3 GHz

Has anybody else had this problem? I have a Carrara scene which I made some months ago and have just returned to. It boots up fine. When I go to render the scene in HD video, it seems to render fine and plays in the Render Room video screen  just fine. However, when I try to save out the video in a QT movie the spinning pizza of death starts and keeps going. Tried multiple times in all kind of settings and I have tried different scenes. It will work fine for a still and seems to work for a Tiff series of frames.  The result is I have to go to "force quite"... In the past when I had to "force quit " Carrara, it would also show in the force quite panal Quick Time 32, either in red or not, I would quit the red 32 along with carrara and restart and everything would work fine once more. However now there is no QT32 visable in the panal.

I have gone to "My Account" on the  DAZ site and tried to remove Carrara and re-install ( at least the 64 version). I assume that went well as Carrara boots up ok...This did nothing as the spinning pizza still comes up. I tried downloading the Carrara 32QT but when I get to the download panal all I can see is the Carrara 64. I have gone to the where Carara resides in Applications folder, and I see no evidencs of 32 bit Carrara.  Really puzzeled and don't know enough about the installation protocol to go any further..Know just enough to get into more trouble. I also downloaded Carrara RenderNode 8.5(64bit) but that has done nothing.

I will upload as much of the pertinent visuals as seems important.

1. it shows the rendered scene, note the play  bar is halfway this point it seems fine.

2 and 3 show the settings in the Render SRoom.

4.Shows the Force Quite Panal

5. The Carrara Application in the Application Folder.

If anybody can help I would appreciate it.



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Post edited by starboard on


  • Msteaka,


    I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think QuickTime works correctly with Carrara 64 bit. Apple never made QT 64 bit. 

  • yes so I heard to from Mac users render image series and compile afterwards enlightened

  • Thanks Brian,

    Can't understand it. It was working fine then it was'nt.  I think your right about the 64 not working on Quick time, only the 32.  However  I believe Carrara installs both into the application folder, but only uses the 32 as that is all QT will run on....I believe. I have looked at my Imac which has  Carrara also, and checked out how it looks in the application folder....All it has is the Carrara icon, no 64 or 32 icon.......Stranger and stranger. I think I will try a complete uninstall...never done it before with Carrara.


    Thanks for trying


  • Went through a uninstall then an install each time Carrara quits just after the "Did you Know" panel is clicked off. According to the information Carrara Pro contrains Carrar 8 which has QT32.

    I wish the forum had a better search engine for trouble shooting, On to the search.



  • Well the original problem in that the file in the Render Room will not save out to a QT movie does not seem  have anything to do with the installation of Carrara itself but has to do with Carrara model file (.car). I transferred the Carrara file over to my other mac and it has the same problem there. Somehow it must have become corrupted.  However all the other versions of this file and otheer models also have become corrupted.

    So now I have a situation made worse by  unstalling Carrara and re-installing... But now for some reason it will not open after it is installed.



  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    There is NO 64bit Quicktime support in Carrara 64bit,. because APPLE have not built a 64bit version of Quicktime.

    Nothing to do with carrara.

    Carrara 32bit (does still support quicktime export)

    carrara 64bit (does not)

    Install Both versions (into different folders) then you can use either,.


    When this issue arose, i was miffed, because i had been regularly using QT,. however,. (Several years on) Apple clearly have no intention of ever upating, rebuilding or supporting it's own software. or it's users.

    Point taken,..  noted.

    moving on to a future without QT or apple.

  • 3DAGE,

    Thanks for posting. Although my modeling and operational skills of Carrara are improving, my understanding of  the installation methods and file intricacies of Carrara is a muddle. Some of the fog has thinned  due to the fact that I had to try and understand what was going on with the original problem.The only good thing of this whole fiasco is that it has forced me to clean up my act with respect to the daily use of Carrara. I was so involved in my present project that I was taking Carrara for granted. Now I will empty the Temp files of Carrara frequently. In short I have been forced to learn a lot. During this same time even my  password for DAZ got corrupted  finally got that resolved and spent a little time understanding "My Account" ..ego a change in my Forum name.  So back to some productive work.


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