How do I save changes to parameters hierarchy?

Well, I just wasted several hours of work on the old "sort your parameter dials, save modified assets, close DS, open DS, load figure, see half your work reverted" trap. This thing is like Lucy with the football. Broken for YEARS. It really sucks you in, because you can test it out to see if it works, save your work, delete the figure from the scene, and load a new copy, and it looks like it worked. So then you get all happy because you can finally impose some kind of order on the complete chaos that is the parameters hierarchy, and sink hours into straightening out the complete mess. Then you close DS, open DS, load your figure, and find that half your work has been reverted. In a very systematic way, I might add; it is only certain groups of parameters that seem impervious to changing, while others stay where you put them.
Is there some magic ritual I need to know about? I ask this question every few years, and nothing ever seems to get solved. I read several threads that lead me nowhere, and then I post another thread.
I'm still using
Are all of your morphs in the same content directory? If the modified version is saved to a later content directory than one holding an unmodified version then it will be the unmodified version that loads. The content directory being saved to is listed at the top of the options dialogue.
I think something is seriously wrong with DS code. Now edit mode won't let me change morphs back. E.g., I put a bunch of morphs into new groups, but since I couldn't get rid of some old group names (because some of the morphs in them wouldn't stay where I put them), I figured I'd stick with moving morphs I'd already moved once, and put them into the folders I can't get rid of. But the changes won't stick; these morphs are acting like the other morphs, the ones that wouldn't move in the first place.
Does moving dials around in the parameters hierarchy work for other people? Please sound off if it does. Because I've never been able to get it to work in DS. In like 5 or 10 years of using it. At this point, I'm tempted to assume it's broken for everyone, simply because the only time I've seen people talk about it is when they're talking about how it doesn't work for them, or how it's supposed to work. I can't recall ever reading a comment by someone simply talking about how it works fine for them.
Oh, and I've reinstalled G3F fresh at least once, reinstalled the G3F basics several times, etc.
Go to preferences (Edit menu on Windows) and clear the DSON cache.
It's more work, and not something I've tried, but setting the real morph to hidden and creating a new controller where you want it may be a safer bet - you can make aliases, where your controller would inherit the values applied to the hidden morph by a pose, but I'm not sure that would work for you (or at least, would work in all cases for you). That would have the advantage that you wuld eb creating new assets linked to existing assets if it did work (so generally the worst an update to the product would do, as long as it didn't rename the moprhs, would be to unhide them). The needed commands are in the right-click menu when the Parameters pane is in Edit mode.
I had a feeling that might be the case - the other option would be straight ERC, but that's one-way only (and adding rather a lot of complexity to the figure)..
I'm glad that's working.
The cache should affect only loading, as far as I know.
I'm sorry the aliases are also failing - they are, used between nodes, stable as theya re used for several things (for example to link the settings on the bend and twist bones in Genesis 3 so that alls ettings can be made from one or the other) but it may be problematic when they are linking two proeprties on the same node.
So, I got here while looking into something similar, and am really surprised that Studio 4.10 is not able to remember property hierarch ychanges.
Is this a known bug? is it a feature I dont understand?
My feeble mind fails to understand how I can set up a property hierarchy of existing dials.
I saved a collection of favorite dials by going into edit mode, then from context menu I did "set > property group" and chose a path I like. Worked while app was still open.
Looked in data folder and see my saved dials inside data folder.
But alas, upon relaunching and loading new figure, everything disappeared.
So you used File>Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset, and the content was installed via DIM (or manually) not via Connect? Even then, an update would overwrite your chnages - it's better to use a Character Preset or Scene Subset and then use that, rather than the default preset, to load the figure.