Scene has hundreds of "OctaneRender Scene Data" nodes - iRadiance problem?

A scene has been loading very slowly.
When I tried to point a character's eyeballs at something, the list of potential targets included nearly 300 "OctaneRender Scene Data" nodes (see attached image). I have no idea what these are, and they don't appear in the Scene panel, but I wonder whether they're slowing things down. The number of nodes is gradually growing.
I've never seen these before. The one thing I'm doing differently is that for the first time I'm using an HDRi environment from iRadiance - HDRI Variety Pack Three.
Does anyone know what all these nodes are, whether they're a performance problem, and/or how to delete them?

299 x 426 - 19K
Post edited by Bright Shadow on
If you open the Scene pane option menu (lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) there is a Visibility suib-menu and one of its items is Show Hidden Nodes - that should make the nodes visible for selection (you could use by select by label script from ). An alternative is to save a Scene subset (File>Save as>Scene subset) and exclude that Octane nodes. Assuming you don't have the Octane plug-in those will be from some component of the sceen that was saved on a system that did have it, they will cotnain some kind of information used by the plug-in in transferring data to Octane Render.
Thanks Richard! Never even occurred to me to open Scene Options.
I've deleted the nodes, and things do seem to be moving faster.
I get the same thing with reallity nodes (I believe one of the products that has those is urban future 4) and had the same problem with slowdown in the scene. I had done so many merging, deleting, remerging etc. of scenes I ended up with 10s of thousands of those nodes. Once I found what was going on and deleted them, it was like having a fresh new scene all over again :)
I still forget to check for those notorious nodes.
It takes me hours to open a project, select select 60000 octane render nodes and delete them. I never use Octane but Daz just decied to create this nodes out of the blue.
Is it a faster way to open my files or I should just forget about my previous projects.
The nodes are created by the Octane plug-in - if you don't use it uninstall, or uncheck it in Help>About Installed Plug-ins. One version of teh reality plug-in (for Lux Render) did something similar.
You can try typing Octane into the Scene pane folter box, then click/shift-click to select the lot and delete in one go. You can also use File>Save As>Scene Subset and seelct only the wanted nodes.
Thanks Richard!
I don't have any Octane or Lux Render installed - I never had Octane installed on my system and none of this plug-ins showes in About Installed Plug-ins list.
My probelem with the second method : the click/shift-click and select 60 000 items it takes hours for DAZ to select and other probably a cople of hours to delete - I basically left my computer running the all day for the deleteing process and still nothing. If I select one by one or small gropus goes fast, once I select thousands it will take forever to process.
And also it takes forever Clearing the Scene after saving and Deleting objects
Mac Pro Porcessor 2.7 Ghz 12 Core , Memory 64 GB
Sounds as if the scene or some of the content you are loading was created on a system with the plug-in, then. How about the Sceen subset method, is that quicker? Assuming, of course, that you have any left to clean up.
I had the same issue as agiu. Everything started loading very slowly and after checking the Show Hidden Nodes option I found thousands of OctaneRender Scene Data files (20-30K per scene) as long as a good number of Reality files. I've never had Octane, nor have I exchanged scene files with anyone.
Updating to the latest version of DAZ (not the beta) solved the problem, as in those files are not created anymore. But I had to clean my old scenes by hand, selecting a couple of thousand files at a time and deleting them. I never tried the Save as Scene Subset method.
Selecting 100 Octane nodes it takes about 1min and a half and 1 min to delete. I do have about 20 Lux Render nodes but that's fine I had Lux Render a couple of years ago intstalled.
Scene Subset method it works, the only problem I have it takes a long time to Clean the scene when I close the project. Is it ok if I force quit the application instead?
Thanks you much
Once the scene is save and the .duf file is written on the hard drive, force closing DAZ is even advised. It takes forever for DAV to clean a scene before opening a new one.
What I always do : I save my current scene. And if I have to work on another one or a new one : I force-close DAZ (Ctrl+Shift+Esc, Task Manager, Details Tab) and start a fresh session. This saves an insane amount of time.
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