Looking for an Imperial Officer

Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Anyone know if there's been a set released for Daz3D of the Star Wars Imperial Officer? If not specifically . . . is there something already out there that would work with a little bit of skinning and minor modeling? I've looked for quite some time and haven't come across anything but that doesn't mean it's not out there . . . somewhere.


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    I've found that 'branded' items like Star Wars and the like tend to be harder to track down unless you're after more simple props. I've seen everything from tie fighters to X-Wings but finding outfits which work with Daz characters is going to be a lot harder. If you're particularly artistic, it might be worth downloading Hexagon and trying your hand at creating your own Imperial troops.

  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    Great direction to head in . .. thank you. The main thing I'm looking for is the top. In that model they use a mountie jacket and I think I can modify that enough in hexagon to get what I need.

    THank you guys! Great community here!

    Post edited by Styles2304 on
  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well the more I look into that the less promising it is becoming. I can jury rig everything else . . . but the shirt/jacket with cinched middle for a belt is the key thing that I need for this project.

  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well . . . here's what I've fumbled together so far. Part of this that's bugging me though is the rank bar . . . any suggestions on how to make it fit to the chest a little better?

    I made the belt buckle, code cylinders, and rank from scratch in sketchup. The shirt is a re-texture of the fairytale prince king expansion shirt with the collar from the fairytale prince jacket. Belt is also from fairytale prince.


  • LycanthropeXLycanthropeX Posts: 2,287
    edited December 1969

    that looks pretty good

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited January 2013

    If the rank bar is a separate object that you've created, yes.

    In Hexagon you can "curve" an object.
    Make a line that has the curve you want.
    Have the object selected.
    There's a button with a tube and a line right beside it. Click that, then click on the line.
    The object will curve :-)
    Delete the line when done.
    Put the badge back into export position, and export it back out.
    In D/S remake the prop.

    Sometimes things won't work quite as expected/hoped for in which case you start over making the badge from a curved line.


    I don't have the link handy, it was rather buried in somebody's website ... but there is a Darth Vader helmet .obj on the web.
    It does need to be reworked some to play nice with our programs but it's otherwise very good.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ok, sweet. I'll give that a try.

  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I played with it a little and bending the rank just didn't fit so I decided to modify the shirt a little bit to make it more flat. That came out with the best look but now it's not attached to the model lol . . . no bones or anything.

    Is there anyway to copy all of the bones and weight information from the original shirt and apply it to this modified version?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    I played with it a little and bending the rank just didn't fit so I decided to modify the shirt a little bit to make it more flat. That came out with the best look but now it's not attached to the model lol . . . no bones or anything.

    Is there anyway to copy all of the bones and weight information from the original shirt and apply it to this modified version?

    oh dear ... hmmm ... when we modify clothing, it's generally best done by making a morph for it.

    Go back to the first "working" clothing shirt, select it, "send it to Hexagon" via the Bridge. Gently pull/pull the faces/lines/dots to where you want them. Then "send to D/S" which should be still open waiting to receive this back.

    On return, one creates the morph.

    After dialing it up, if one likes the morph, "save the morph".

    btw - if you send to Hexagon the shirt, you can draw a line along the curve that you want the badge to fit on.
    delete the shirt
    use the line to either curve the badge to, or remake the badge from.

  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ah! I was bring back as a prop. lol Lets try again!

  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ok . . . ALMOST there! I've got it looking pretty good but the morph isn't saving. From what I've read online, when I save the scene it should embed the morph into the scene . . . it just won't be available for distribution. That's fine. However, every time I open the scene, the morphs are gone and I have to do it all over again. Any ideas?

    Note: I tried saving the morph itself but it kept saying I had to select a node or some other garbage and wouldn't let me proceed.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited January 2013

    Ok . . . ALMOST there! I've got it looking pretty good but the morph isn't saving. From what I've read online, when I save the scene it should embed the morph into the scene . . . it just won't be available for distribution. That's fine. However, every time I open the scene, the morphs are gone and I have to do it all over again. Any ideas?

    Note: I tried saving the morph itself but it kept saying I had to select a node or some other garbage and wouldn't let me proceed.

    Morph saving is under File > Save as > Support Asset ... but you know, I haven't tried saving one in 4.5 yet come to think of it for a cr2. i use D/S3 and a script.

    Am checking something ... back in a minute.

    Nope. Tried several options. It saved a 'shaping' .duf file for a cr.2 file but it simply won't work.
    Appears to only be interested in saving files for the weight mapped items. One of the options I tried even suggested that first I convert my cr.2 file to a weight mapped [triax] figure first.
    Well, keeping D/S3 for awhile that's for sure.

    Maybe somebody else knows how to make this work in 4.5.

    In the meantime, making a badge prop with a slight curve to it might be the best way to go.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • Styles2304Styles2304 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    lol that sucks! As we all know the rank badge does is flat piece but I'll see what I can do. It really looked good with the morphed chest piece too.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I was trying something with Dformers too but they weren't working as expected. However again, I think it's expecting to work on weight mapped things.

    Options ... possibly make the prop thicker so even though its flat and the clothing curved, it's still on it.
    As was previously mentioned, it really doesn't look that bad as you had it. Sometimes we have to prioritize some until a better solution is discovered.

    Do you have D/S3?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    For anyone following this thread, it traveled over to here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15108/#225038

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